Black Iron's Glory

Chapter 539 - Tesoray’s Future

Chapter 539 - Tesoray’s Future

Claude busied himself for more than ten days before managing to finish dealing with all his official matters. Just as he was about to relax and take a few days off, he didn’t think he would bump into Svenson, the son of Alek, Ferd Manor’s supervisor. The latter was waiting beside a carriage for him.

“Why are you here?” Claude asked, surprised.

Svenson bowed and said, “Lord, the old madam heard you were back and wants you to go home to discuss some things.”

Claude blushed at having stayed at Sheila’s the whole time he was back without heading home even once. No matter what, his home was Ferd Manor, where his official wife and three children lived. Even his mother was there. Yet, he didn’t go back even once in more than two years and returned to his lover’s house. It was no wonder his mother would send for someone to bring him back.

“Alright, I’ll head back now,” Claude said. He called for Masonhughes to send a guard to Covenbrun Manor to tell Sheila he would be living in Ferd Manor for the time being.

Though the candles in the dining hall were brightly lit, the atmosphere during the meal was rather gloomy. Claude loved to talk as he ate, a habit from his old life, but at home, Madam Ferd wanted to practice noble etiquette and forbade them from talking. They couldn’t even chew or swallow audibly. The only sound they could hear was the clinking of cutlery.

They were having a feast, but Claude had no appetite. He had a casual few bites and wiped his mouth clean. “I’m done.”

Just as he was about to get up, he was stopped by his mother. “Claude, wait. I have something to ask you.”

Claude sat back down and poured himself half a glass of wine. “What is it?”

She put down her silver fork and wiped her mouth clean. “I heard you got a hereditary count Title as well as a fief this time at Freia.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Well, since you’re already a hereditary count of the kingdom and have a fief, you won’t have time to run the fief because you’ll be busy working here at the region. So, I decided to bring Kefnie and Tesoray back to Freia to manage that fief. Tesoray is already an adult, so it’s about time he got some hands-on practice with running the fief. That way, it’d be more convenient when time came for him to inherit it,” she said while looking closely at him.

Claude chuckled. “Mother, don’t even bother. While the land is mine in name, I don’t hold the right to manage it. It will be handled entirely by the region’s council for joint development with other fiefs.”

“What?!” she snapped with rage, “That is House Ferd’s fief! What right does the council have for developing it? Write a letter to the council tomorrow. We will run our fief ourselves and don’t need their help.”

The smile vanished from Claude’s face. “Mother, remember this well. The fief is mine, not House Ferd’s. Who I put in charge of it is my business and House Ferd has nothing to do with it.”

“Claude, I know you hate me for letting your brother leave the house. However, you’re now House Ferd’s hope. Even if you don’t care about your own sake, you have to consider Tesoray’s future. He is your son and is already an adult. He can’t afford to laze away here at the region. Since you got a fief, let him run it. That way, he can at least stand on the same level as the kingdom’s nobles. I’m only doing my best for his bright future.”

Claude let loose a mocking cackle for an instant. Letting Tesoray interact with the kingdom’s nobles is sending prey into the bear’s cave! He shook his head. “Mother, I am not going to say much. You don’t understand the current situation at the kingdom. Not to mention, I don’t intend to let Tesoray mix with the nobles at the kingdom. While he is an adult and has received training in the ways of a noble, he is nothing more than a naked sheep before them. He’d be eaten up in an instant. That’s why, it’s best to be realistic and not aim too high.”

Angered, she yelled, “Claude, how could you say that about your own son?! He’s really intelligent! I only want him to go to the mainland so he can find a lady of good noble background fitting to our house to marry! That way, House Ferd’s glory can grow even further!”

He shook his head yet again. “Mother, stop your ambitions there. You already forced Bloweyk away. Do you want to push your grandson away too? I have my own plans for Tesoray. As his father, I have given it much thought myself.”

He turned to his son. “Tesoray, stand up. Tell me your thoughts on your own future.”

The chubby Tesoray had been eating silently the whole time. He was quite afraid of his own father. Only Claude would beat him all his life, and the beating was the merciless kind. As long as he was found doing something bad or bullying others, his arse was sure to sting later. While he learned to reel himself in in time and ran to his grandmother to escape his father’s punishment, Claude’s gaze at him only grew colder and colder. In time, it didn’t seem like his father was disappointed in him any longer.

During the meal, he had been trying his best to fade out of existence to decrease the likelihood of being noticed by his father. Yet, things transpired against his wishes. His beloved grandmother got into a huge fight with Claude about his future and dragged him into it.

No matter how unwilling, he still stood up. After an audible gulp, he said, “Father, I don’t have much of an opinion on it. But if you let me go, I will do my best. With what Mother and Grandmother have taught me, I believe I can try to manage my own fief.”

A bright smile surfaced on Madam Ferd’s face. “Look, Claude. He said he would do his best! Trust your son and let him try! He will elevate House Ferd to new heights in Aueras!”

Claude ignored his mother and glared at his son. “Tesoray, do you know how I, your father, managed to gain my position as Lord Militant, my hereditary Title as well as my fief?”

Tesoray shook his head without a word. By the time he was born, Claude already had rather high status. He hadn’t heard of the rough times the family had to face. Thanks to Claude’s efforts, Tesoray enjoyed a life of luxury bereft of troubles and had servants attending to his every need. He even avoided punishment for bullying his fellow schoolmates thanks to Claude’s status. In the end, he dropped out of school in favour of home-schooled, noble education.

“House Ferd’s ancestors were mere farmers. It was only due to luck that my grandfather joined Stellin IX’s forces and earned a little merit for a career. But at the end, he died drunk in a ditch,” Claude said, savouring his wine slowly. “Your grandfather was a peasant working as a bureaucrat in the city of Whitestag, oh, back then, it was just a town. He only managed to become dignitarian after working 18 hard years and got the position of the town’s chief administrator, laying the groundwork for our household.

“However, he dreamed of making a great contribution to the kingdom and becoming one of the nobility. Due to his impatience, he decided to work with his friends to find a trade route from Freia to the region here. He ended up discovering the shipping route from Whitestag to Port Cobius. That’s right, it’s a huge contribution alright, but not only were they not rewarded, their families fell apart as a result.

“The reason was very simple. Your grandfather’s greed drove him to try making a huge profit from the shipping route. So, he neglected to inform the kingdom about the shipping route immediately, but ended up attracting pirates to the route. Not only were their trade ships attacked, many pirates even used that route to sail to Freia and raid the coastal areas.

“The kingdom’s navy went to exterminate those pirates and found out the truth. Later, your grandfather and his friends were arrested, but only spared death for their contribution of finding the route. However, he lost his job and position and racked up lots of debt due to losing the trade ships. In the end, he chose to end his own life.”

“Stop it, Claude!” Madam Ferd didn’t want to hear about the family’s past. The mere mention of Morssen was apparently really distressing to her.

“Why not? We should let our descendants understand our family’s history so they do not forgive their roots and think themselves above others. Tesoray, you are no noble descendant. You are a mere descendant of a farmer. Your grandparents, your mother, and even I, were all peasants, not nobles.” He ignored his mother and continued to educate his son.

“Do you know why you get to live such a good life now? It’s all because of me. When I was still younger than you, at the time I turned 18, I left home to join the military. Not even half a year passed since my enlistment, the First Great Eastern Freian War broke out. I struggled and fought hard on the battlefield for five years and survived despite the kingdom suffering millions of casualties with a mere bit of merit to be promoted captain.

“I only took my first break when I came home to marry your mother. Thanks to my achievements, I got noticed by Lord Militant Miselk and was sent for a year-long training course before joining the new folk, Ranger. I still remember hearing about your birth back then. I was so happy and went drinking with my comrades because I had finally become a father.

“However, I am more often absent than present in the family as a soldier. Soon, Shiks started a war with Aueras on Nubissia. After three years of fighting, I became folksman and firmed my footing. It was then when your mother took your grandmother, aunt and uncle here to the colonies. Only after that did we unite as a family. Your uncle later became a soldier in my unit as well.

“I’m not trying to tell you how good your life has been compared to mine. I just want you to understand where the true roots of the Ferd household lie. We are not a noble family, but rather, mere peasants. Even after receiving noble education, even if you act and breathe like a pure noble, you’ll only be someone who got lucky in the eyes of the nobles at the kingdom. You’re merely a peasant to them who somehow got an invitation to their party. Everybody will look down on you. That’s why, forget about being a noble for good. Without at least three generations, no household will ever be considered a true noble.”

“Claude, what do you mean by that? Why can’t Tesoray be considered a noble? You’re a hereditary count now! You’ll eventually go to the war god’s kingdom when you grow old! He’s your only legitimate successor! Are you not going to let him inherit your Title?” Madam Ferd fumed and even brought up the inheritance talk.

“Inherit? Hahaha...” Claude made a mocking laugh. “Mother, why are you so confident that Tesoray can keep everything we have after I die? Just because he received noble education? Tesoray, I spoke so much just now. Did you even understand the slightest bit? Can you tell me what our household truly relies upon?”

“Oh, it’s... it’s...” he stammered, though he didn’t dare not respond to Claude. After a long pause, he squeezed out, “It’s your hereditary Title and our assets here in the region, right?”

Claude shook his head in disappointment. “My son, you said that because of what your grandmother taught you, right? The answer is wrong. I can guarantee that if an untimely death befalls me like your grandmother says, if I really return to the war god and leave you my Title and assets, you won’t be able to hold on to them. In fact, you’ll bring ruin to our household.

“I’m not saying this to scare you. <i>I</i> am afraid that this will happen. I regret letting your grandmother and mother spoil you so much. Fortunately, you can still be salvaged. Let me tell you what our household truly thrives upon: the military. We are a military household, not a noble one. I hope you can understand this. If I hadn’t joined the military, our household would never have become what it is today.

“I had plans for your future initially, but I had to go to the mainland to fight a war for the past two years and forgot to deal with you. However, it’s not too late. You’re only 20 right now. From tomorrow onwards, you will be a voluntary soldier of the region and receive training in the military. Like the 18-year-old me, you must become a qualified soldier as soon as possible. That is my greatest hope as a father for you, my eldest son.”

“No! Tesoray can’t join the military!” Kefnie snapped, despite having been silent the whole time. “Claude, are you going to send our son to the battlefield as cannon fodder? I definitely won’t allow you to do this!”

“That’s right, Claude. You can’t let Tesoray join the military. He’s your eldest son and heir. I will not allow him to march to his death!” Madam Ferd snapped with an angry glare.

“My heir?” Claude smiled nonchalantly. “As his father, I have a right to decide his future. As Lord Militant, I have a right to draft him officially. He will learn to crawl in camp grounds like the children of others. He will be trained and have his bad habits and so-called noble behaviour weeded out of him. He will become a proper soldier like his uncle, Bloweyk, who’s now a legend among our troops.

“Naturally, I’m not counting on my son achieving my or his uncle’s heights. However, my standards are for him to at least be an elite among the other soldiers. Only then will I see him as my true heir. Otherwise, I won’t leave everything I have to a coward, even if he’s my own son. If he doesn’t join the military, he won’t have the right to inherit what I have. Tell me, what is your choice?”

“You shall not send him to the military!” Kefnie shrieked.

Claude downed the last of his wine and stood up. “It’s decided, Tesoray. I will send someone to take you to camp tomorrow. If you don’t go, you’ll be my son no longer. You shall lose all rights to inheritance. You won’t even deserve to wear the name of a Ferd. You’ll become someone without a surname and also be punished with ten years of labour as a deserter.

“You have one night to console your mother and grandmother and say your goodbyes. I hope that your life in camp will shape you into a real man instead of a baby-face that only knows how to hide in his mother and grandmother’s skirts. Grab hold of your own destiny as a man. Don’t let these women run your life for you, even if they’re your grandmother or mother. Sometimes, their excessive spoiling will stunt your growth!

“By the way, there’s something else I need to tell you. When you join the force, I will give you another name. You will be a peasant’s son and have nothing to do with me. I need you to struggle and fight alone in the force and find comrades you can count on for your life. You will be no different from the rest and you’ll have to rely on your own efforts for everything. Only when you become a captain will I restore your identity and relation to me and acknowledge you as my son and heir. Understood?”

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