
Chapter 59 Duo Match (2)

The horn blared. Team 26 lit up in green and Lee Seng sighed in relief. He lowered the bow and looked over at the two thugs who had been knocked off the line. He hadn't realized the both of them were quickly overpowered and pushed towards the line.

Lee Seng found Olivia interesting. She had mention she was a Observer, but she looked like she could easily pass as a Fighter. Her fighting style reminded Lee Seng of a mix between Akali and Carter's fighting styles. They were quick styles that were meant to land hits in unexpecting areas. All Lee Seng did was straight up punch someone without the use of his powers and it took the enemy by surprise.

The sound of a horn blared in the distance. Lee Seng could see through the thin veil that another team's name lit up in green. He turned and stepped out of the boundary while semi-twirling the bow in his hand.

"That was a quick match," Olivia commented. She jogged over the boundary and grabbed her bag. She fished for something in the bag and pulled out a water bottle. She handed Lee Seng a water bottle, who hesitantly accepted and fished for another one. "I didn't even see the lines. I think the large arm guy threw me off on the boundaries."

"Mmm," Lee Seng agreed. He opened the water bottle and took a sip of water. "To be honest, I didn't even see the line from where I was standing. I thought it would be further." Olivia nodded in agreement as she took a gulp of water.

"Well, that was some warm-up, I guess. We have a bit of time before our next fight since that one ended so quick."

Another horn blared. A team's name lit up in the middle section. Lee Seng glanced down at his watch. He tapped at it and the duo matches showed up.

#26 vs #35 --- GYMNASIUM A -- WIN

#26 vs #78 --- GYMANSIUM A -- STARTS IN 27 MINUTES


Lee Seng clicked on the second match for details. The second match opened and realized the match actually gave information on where they would fight in the gymnasium.




"Ahh, I guess you can look at individual matches." Lee Seng whispered. The watch brought up the information needed to figure out where you'll be sparring but it didn't give you information on who you were fighting.

"We got about 25 minutes to rest. We can chill around until then." Olivia suggested.

"Yeah," Lee Seng nodded. "Sounds good. I'm gonna go and walk around for a bit then. I'll be back before the match starts."

"Oh, alright. Sounds good." Olivia waved. Lee Seng waved and strapped the bow on his shoulder and wandered off towards the exit. Groups of people were sitting around and watching the matches. He wondered if he could find one of the next team's they were going to fight and see if he could get some information on them.

Lee Seng decided to walk down towards the other side of the gym and look at each of the current teams that were sparring. He wandered down to the end and didn't notice any of the team numbers in here and decided he would just get out and use the restroom before the next match.

Lee Seng stepped out of the gym and noticed there were quite a number of people in the hallway. They all seemed to be in their pairs, chatting away about strategies. Lee Seng turned left and headed down towards the end of the hall. He pushed his way through the left door that indicated it was the men's restroom and stepped inside.

The restroom was large and had urinals against the wall. Lee Seng walked to the end and relieved himself. Lee Seng flushed the urinal and walked over to the sink and began to wash his hands. The restroom door opened and two guys were chatting amongst each other as they stepped in.

"Yeah, it's crazy though. They literally finished the fight in like 5 minutes over at Gymnasium B!" Pep guy said loudly. The two dudes parked themselves in front of two urinals. Lee Seng's tail hovered close to him as he slowly washed his hands.

"I heard over at Gymnasium A, the third and fifth place students teamed up together." Jock guy said. "The guy with the tail and the cute Korean girl. Apparently she's really strong for an Observer. She stunned one of the guys and they ended the fight in three minutes." The sounds of zipping and flushing were heard. They turned to walk over towards the sink as they noticed Lee Seng drying his hands with paper towels.

The two guys stopped in surprise. They looked at Lee Seng and noticed his bright white tail and white furry ears.

"Isn't that the guy?" Pep guy asked. Jock guy nodded and the two of them acknowledged Lee Seng and turned on the sink.

"If we got time, we should watch their next fight. Isn't our next fight in like an hour?" Jock guy asked.

"Yeah, it's in an hour."

Lee Seng threw the paper towels into the trash and began walking out when Jock guy turned.

"You're the guy with the third place girl, right?" Jock guy asked. Lee Seng turned his head to acknowledge the guy. He nodded.

"Yeah, why?" Lee Seng asked. The two guys finished washing their hands and pulled some paper towels out and turned to look at Lee Seng while drying their hands.

"When's your next match? You guys scored well in the Singles test so we wanna see you fight." Jock guy answered.

"Oh," Lee Seng started. He looked at his watch. "My next match is in... 25 minutes. It's in Gymnasium A, middle section, farthest away from the bleachers near the entrance."

"Oh, cool cool!" Pep guy said excitedly. Lee Seng nodded and walked out of the bathroom, running into someone.

"Oh, sorry." Lee Seng apologized. He took a step backwards into the bathroom. Lee Seng looked up and saw Jason standing in front of him.

"Oh, my ba--" Jason stopped as he recognized who was in front of him. The two stared at each other. Lee Seng could hear the two guys coming out of the bathroom too.

"Sorry." Lee Seng apologized as he moved past Jason and made room for the other two guys.

"You're fighting me and Jae next." Jason said. Lee Seng stopped.

"What?" Lee Seng asked. He turned around as the two guys slowly passed by. People nearby looked up and felt the energy turn electric. Jason turned around and looked at Lee Seng.

"Your next opponent is me and my brother." Jason pointed between the both of them. "We saw your match and I gotta say... You didn't really do much." He cracked a smile and Lee Seng rolled his eyes, poking his cheek with his tongue.

"Didn't do much because their wasn't much to do." Lee Seng smiled. He took a step forward. "At least we'll finally get a chance to warm-up with competent opponents."

"Competent? I would hope my brother and I would be at least competent for you." Jason took a step forward. The two young men were clearly sizing each other up, hoping one of them would back down. "Last I checked, all you know how to do is run. It'll be interesting to see what you do in the ring."

"Who said anything about running? I'm not gonna run away. All I gotta do is push you out of the ring." Lee Seng made a push motion followed by him tumbling backwards. "Thanks for telling me who my next opponent is. I can use what I know to my advantage." Lee Seng turned and waved. Jason began to march towards Lee Seng, but was quickly met with Lee Seng's tail swinging at Jason's neck, stopping at the last second.

"Let's have a fun fight." Jason gritted his teeth. Lee Seng waved and continued back towards Gymnasium A.

'Now I know who we're fighting. I need to let Olivia know. It's going to be a tough fight.' Lee Seng thought. He couldn't shake his nerves off. Jason and Jae spent the last three years of high school bullying him and pushing him around. 'I really wish I didn't have to fight against those two. I need to do well for Olivia. It doesn't matter what I feel. I need to push past this.'

Lee Seng walked back into the gymnasium and looked around for Olivia. Another horn blared and a team number turned green on the left side. Lee Seng made his way to the other side of the gym. Bleachers were set up on both sides and he figured Olivia would be somewhere close to where they were going to fight.

Olivia sat at the bottom of the bleachers near the middle. She was scrolling through her phone, ocassionally looking up. She saw Lee Seng and stood up, waving.

"Hey Lee Seng, over here!" Olivia exclaimed. Lee Seng waved.

"So, I know who our next opponents are." Lee Seng said.

"Oh, who?"

"Jason and Jae Kang. They're from my school."

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