
Chapter 120 Test Function

Questions filled Lee Seng's mind. The odd feelings kept building and know made no sense. He sheathed the katana and turned around. He saw nothing. The place was exactly like he entered it. Empty.

"Ugh," Lee Seng shivered. "I need to get out of here before something actually shows up." He clutched his katana with his right hand and took a deep breath.

'If the creepy presence suddenly came in here, again, I'm going to piss myself.' He thought. He took a deep breath and recited the spell to go back.

"I walk among the kingdoms. Again I wish to enter the land of the living." Lee Seng recited. The wind ripped around him and in a blink of an eye, he was standing in the middle of a dark gym. He looked around and the light sensors noticed someone was there and turned on. Lee Seng shook his head and watched as the gym whirred to life.

"Hello, student. Please identify yourself to begin options for gym use." The AI voice spoke.

'Should I train? I want to know more about these runes and why I had to go into Limbo to do it.' Lee Seng thought. 'It's like what... the middle of the night still?' He sighed and cleared his throat.

"Lee Seng Chang." Lee Seng spoke. The AI voice whirred for awhile and then beeped.

"Student identified as Lee Seng Chang. You have preset settings. Would you like me to go through the list of preset settings or do something else?" The AI voice asked.

"Uh, what's the preset settings?"

"Your preset settings have been setup by another high-ranked individual. These preset settings are linked to your training back at the lab. These presets include: sparring bot, swimming pool, track, weapons training, dexterity layout, strength layout, and Numbers test. Which one of these presets would you like to use?"

'These are all normal up until Number test... What the hell is that? Did one of the Numbers set this up for me? They knew what I liked doing so it isn't someone like Nicole who set it up for me.' Lee Seng thought.

"I wanna do some training with my katana, which one do you think I should use?" Lee Seng asked.

"If student Lee Seng Chang has a weapon on him, I suggest sparring bot. The sparring bot has been preset to your level already."

"Fine, sparring bot then." Lee Seng waved.

"Please wait a moment as I change the gym to suit your needs." The room began to shake and change around Lee Seng in an instant. The floors and walls rippled likes scales. The wall pulsed with the dark energy and Lee Seng noticed the similarities to the walls during the injection test a month ago. Five or six feet in front of him, a square hold opened up. A sparring bot came out of the ground and stood lifeless.

"Initiating sparring bot." The AI voice announced. The sparring bots black eyes lit up with an electric jolt. The orange-blue eyes stared at Lee Seng and took a stance. "Master sparring as initiated."

The bot sprinted forward and swung at Lee Seng. Lee Seng lifted the katana and blocked, feeling the weight of the bot's punch ripple the Dark Matter-infused ground around them. A gray-blue electric shock flew out in all directions and the bot moved onto the next set of swings. Lee Seng had no time to think. The bot relentlessly swung and kicked at him.

Lee Seng managed to block the first few attacks, but the bot immediately found an opening with a kick and sent a punch afterwards. Lee Seng stumbled backwards, almost losing his balance. The bot raced forward towards Lee Seng, who balanced himself with the help of his tail and immediately tried to pull his sword out.

The bot slammed his fist into Lee Seng's hand and forced Lee Seng to remove his hand from the blade. Lee Seng swung his head towards the bot and a blast of gravity shot outwards. The bot blew backwards a couple of feet and Lee Seng pulled the sword out and readied.

The bot raced forward and Lee Seng moved forward to meet it. He swung the sword and the bot went for a block. Lee Seng slammed the blade down and watched as the bot's block made the blade rattle. The bot slide forward and slammed its elbow into Lee Seng's chest, sending him backwards.

Lee Seng rolled backwards onto the ground and listened to the bot running forwards to him. Lee Seng planted his tail behind him and forced himself onto his feet. He swung forward at the bot and felt the familiar resonance of his body pour into the blade. The blade began to resonate and the third and fourth rune began to glow.

Lee Seng let the gravity strike rip forward and watched as the bot's right arm came up for a block, only to be cut in half. Sparks flew as the gravity shot at the bot, sending it into the wall on the other side.


The arm rattled on the floor around him and the shake of the gym sent charges of gray-blue electricity throughout the Dark Matter-infused floors and walls. Lee Seng took a breath and groaned. He could feel the pain shooting up from the blows the Bot had done. He twirled the blade in his hand, slowly and slipped it back into the sheathe.

"Sparring bot has been defeated. Would you like to spar again?" The AI voice asked.

"No, I'm leaving." Lee Seng winced.

"I detect you've taken heavy blows. Would you like for me to call a healer?" Lee Seng turned around and watched the ripples of Dark Matter disappear and be replaced with the normal look of the gym. He began to walk to the door when the AI chimed again.

"Is there even a healer at this hour?" Lee Seng asked.

"The Hospital wing is open at all hours due to the different schedules of missions. You may find a healer at the hospital wing."

"I don't even know where that would be. I'm kinda new to all of this."

"Do not worry, Lee Seng Chang. I shall call a healer to aid you if you wish."

"Uhh... Fine."

Lee Seng didn't have to wait that long for a healer to show up. The Third Year emblem was the first thing Lee Seng saw when the nurse stepped in. It was attached to his right shoulder. He wore scrubs and had one earbud being plucked out of his ear.

"Hello, I got your request for he--" The male nurse stopped and stared at Lee Seng. It wasn't anyone Lee Seng didn't know and he assumed the nurse was taken aback by his appearance. Lee Seng swished his tail behind the wall and tried to stand. The tiny groans and winces of pain snapped the nurse out of his daze and he jogged over to meet Lee Seng.

"Uh, just stay sitting." The nurse instructed. Lee Seng nodded and sat back down. "Were you sparring?"

"Yea." Lee Seng nodded.

"Where does it hurt most?"

"Here, here, and here." Lee Seng pointed at his chest, stomach and motioned his arms. The nurse nodded and made direct with Lee Seng, being taken aback by his eye colors.

"I-I... Could you lift your shirt for me?" The nurse student asked. Lee Seng pulled his shirt off and the nurse blushed a bit. Lee Seng watched as the nurse studied the damage and nodded. "Lots of heavy blows. What did you fight?"

"Uh, a sparring bot."

"The sparring bot can do this?" The nurse looked up. He shook his head and a jolt of energy flew into Lee Seng's body. Lee Seng jumped and the nurse removed his hand. "Don't worry, it's how my ability works. I have to jolt you to start the healing process. I'm just expediting the healing process from your body with mine."

"Oh..." Lee Seng nodded. The nurse moved his hand back onto Lee Seng's stomach and the jolt of energy flew through his body, again. Lee Seng watched the nurse work patiently and diligently. He slowly moved his hand up to Lee Seng's chest and watched as the bruising and injuries slowly faded.

"Gimme your arms." The nurse instructed. Lee Seng lifted his arms and the nurse grabbed them. Two jolts of energy flew into Lee Seng, which surprised him and the nurse held on. "It'll feel funny for a bit longer, but you'll get used to it." Lee Seng waited patiently as the nurse continued to heal him. He could see the Third Year nursing student didn't seemed fazed by this.

"How long have you been here?" The nurse asked. "I haven't seen your face around here before."

"Oh," Lee Seng spoke. "I'm a transfer student. Lee Seng Chang. You might've heard about me by now."

"Ahhh, you're the famous one." The nurse nodded. "You've been a hot topic since you've been here. It hasn't been two days and I'm hearing you've already pissed of a Fourth Year?" The nurse looked up.

"Ehhh..." Lee Seng dragged for awhile. "I'd call it a misunderstanding, but I guess."

"Mmm," the nurse nodded. He let go of Lee Seng's arms and made eye contact with Lee Seng. "Gossip likes to travel fast around here. If you don't want to stick out even more with your background, I would try to not piss of anymore people. Especially those higher up in the hierarchy."

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