
Chapter 117 Observing The White Fox

Lee Seng scooped the last of the porridge into his mouth and set his spoon down. He swallowed the porridge and wiped his mouth for the last time and threw the napkin on top of the empty bowl.

"So," Lee Seng cleared his throat. "You guys know what tomorrow's event is gonna be?"

"Nope," Evan shook his head. Ritsuka and Olivia shook their heads. "They just said to rest and make sure we have plenty of energy for tomorrow's trial."

"They did say it would be beneficial for us." Ritsuka folded his arms.

"Whatever beneficial means to them. They literally through us into a Ruined City and said, 'get out.' They aren't great a warning you about anything else." Olivia complained.

"I guess that's one way to look at it." Lee Seng nodded.

'Honestly, that's what it feels like. They're just throwing us into these situations, but from the stuff I've heard and read on Transfer Hell weekend, it's usually hard and crazy on purpose... Transfer Hell weekend must have a purpose, right?' Lee Seng wondered.

"Lee..." Manny's quiet voice spoke. "Lee...! Lee!" Manny shook Lee Seng causing him to snap out of his thoughts and look up at Manny.

"What?" Lee Seng asked.

"They were all asking and talking about what you think of Transfer Hell weekend." Manny pointed over at the rest of the group. Lee Seng puckered his lips and narrowed his eyes.

'What do I think about it?' He asked himself.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Lee Seng spoke. "Everything I've heard from the Numbers who are at the school and the social media posts about Transfer Hell weekend, just confuses me. Like, the Academy is 100%, totally in agreement of hell weekend. The Academy has a strict system for creating anything at the Academy. Clubs and student-run activities are really hard to get processed and actually started.

"Students who have gone through hell weekend have said there is a purpose. There's a point that the Fourth Years are telling the transfer students and I'm wondering if its something complicated or not so complicated..." Lee Seng expressed his thoughts. He could see everyone nodding along with his thought process. He wondered if Manny and/or Liz even knew what the point of hell weekend was.

"Does something have to have meaning?" Evan asked. "What if its just the Fourth Years teasing us with trials and tribulations? There doesn't have to be a meaning for everything."

"Both of you could be onto something, but... I have to agree with Evan, does it have to have a point?" Olivia pointed out. "Most transfer students are Second Years. The hierarchy that Noah Greenhorn spoke of today, only drives Evan's point even more. There's no 'real' point in Transfer Hell weekend. It's only a way for the hierarchy to establish itself with the new transfer students and show the Fourth Years who's got potential."

"If you want to be at the top, you gotta show up." Liz nodded.

"The strongest are the strongest because they've climbed the hierarchy and established themselves there." Manny added.

"Honestly, this is all similar things I've heard every year since I've been here." Liz shrugged. "I know some transfer students who quit the Academy after hell weekend because they failed both tests. The school will know which transfer students to look out for and which ones will be beneath them."

Manny turned to look at Lee Seng who was obviously thinking. Manny leaned in towards Lee Seng and whispered, "Do you think that's all it is?" Lee Seng pushed Manny away, turning his attention back onto him and shook his head.

"If it's just to establish the hierarchy then I could plan more shameful ways to get students to be put in their place." Lee Seng shrugged.

'Would adventurers have to go through similar situations? There's a lot of the world that's still unclaimed. Am I fishing for another answer that isn't there?' Lee Seng wondered. He sighed and shook his head and stood up.

"Well, I guess it's rest as much as we can for tomorrow then." Lee Seng grabbed his tray and watched as Manny, Liz and Ritsuka followed in suit.

"Ah, there's no use in wondering what the purpose of it is. If you want to know, just ask them tomorrow." Ritsuka added his two cents. The group moved to throw away their leftover food and put their trays away.

"Oh, Lee Seng!" Ritsuka jogged over to him as Lee Seng stood outside of the cafeteria doors.

"Hmm?" Lee Seng looked over at him.

"Did you still want your bow? I have it sitting in my room still."

"Oh, yeah, huh." The sudden realization that he forgot about his bow popped up in his head. He nodded at Ritsuka. "Yeah, I'll take it back for now, but we'll see if I decide to keep it."

"The bow doesn't suit your needs? I took a look at it and it's packed with enchants. You got it off of a what, again?"

"I got it off of a B-rank Blood Puppet disguised as an archer." Lee Seng answered. The group had joined them and Lee Seng started back down the long hallway towards the elevators.

"You've only used like three or four enchants."

"Never had a chance to try the rest of the enchants, yet." Lee Seng shrugged. "Did you try the bow out?"

"Nah, I just wanted to study it. I'm not gonna learn something that isn't mine. Plus, it means I would have to practice how to use a bow better and I'm not sure if I wanna do that." Ritsuka added. "Plus, I'm a Fighter and I wouldn't be able to juice my shots like you can."

"It feels awkward to have range advantage. I grew up learning how to fight close combat for most of my life, so I feel really awkward."

"So, you and Lee Seng have some history?" Olivia asked, peeking past Liz and looking at Manny.

"Yeah, something like that. We grew up together, but things happened that caused us to drift apart." Manny answered.

"And now he's happy that his childhood friend is back in his life." Liz poked Manny's cheek. Manny playfully swatted her hand away, smiling.

"It's not like that."

"Yes, it is. You were totally happy about it. You're even showing it."

'I hope its like that. I hope he finds his trust in me soon.' Manny thought.

"So, does anyone else see the slight difference in Lee Seng's tail?" Evan pointed out. Olivia and the others behind Lee Seng and Ritsuka, watched Lee Seng's tail. The white, puffy tail was now accented with gold.

"Was that always there?" Olivia asked.

"I've tried not to stare at his huge tail, but... It makes him stand out. I thought it was white before."

"I think it was always like that." Olivia pointed. They watched as the tail casually swayed behind his legs. Lee Seng had gotten used to the added weight of his tail. The group chatted, opting to climb the stairs to the second floor. The boys turned and looked at the girls.

"So, I guess we should rest." Ritsuka spoke.

"Yeah, I think some TLC is needed." Olivia stretched.

"Some what?" Manny asked.

"Tender, loving, care. I don't know how you don't know that one, Manny." Liz answered.

"Just cause I've been with many people, doesn't mean I will know all the slang."

"That's cause its an older slang from the Old World."

"Ahh, Old World slang is confusing."

"Well, if that settles it, can I go grab the bow from your room?" Lee Seng turned to look at Ritsuka.

"Yeah, follow me." Ritsuka nodded. Ritsuka reached for the door.

"Oh, Imma step out for a bit longer, Ritsuka. My parents have been trying to get me to call them for hours now since I didn't pick up in the morning." Evan chimed.

"Alright, I'll probably be in the room or maybe with Lee Seng and Manny." Ritsuka nodded.

"Alright, see ya everyone." Evan waved. He turned around and walked down the steps.

"With that, we're leaving?" Olivia turned to Liz.

"Yup. See you. Don't cause trouble. Don't do anything you'd regret." Liz waved.

"Yeah, yeah, mom. I won't." Manny waved. The three boys waved at the girls and watched as they started to ascend to the next floor. Ritsuka pulled the door open and Lee Seng followed after with Manny behind.

"Well, I'll head in first then." Manny nodded over at Lee Seng and his dorm room.

"Alright, sounds good. Thanks for chillin' with us." Ritsuka waved.

"See ya."

Ritsuka led Lee Seng pass the elevators and into the hallway. He walked to the end and moved his phone over the door code and listened to the door lock chime, followed by the lock turning. Ritsuka pushed the door open.

The room was identical to Lee Seng's room. Lee Seng shut the door behind him and set his sandals off to the side and wandered into the room. The room had two distinct looks. Ritsuka moved over to the left side of the room which was slightly messy while the right side was neat and proper.

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