
Chapter 109 The White Fox Evolves

"The telepad? Why do you need to go back. You have to go through cust--"

"I don't care about customs right now!" Lee Seng barked at Victor. He stopped and grabbed Victor's collar and pulled him close. "Take me to the damn telepad, Callas! It's life or death that I get back to my room before anything else happens." Victor gulped. He thought he had a good read on Lee Seng, but he was starting to doubt himself.

"S-sure, if you're sick then I-I can arrange that, I guess. Follow me." Victor pulled away from Lee Seng's hold and motioned him forward. Victor led him into a bunker near the Ruined City. He pushed past the staff and other students.

"Is he alright? What happened?" A Fourth Year asked.

"Not now," Victor waved. "Keep up, Lee Seng." He pushed forward as Lee Seng clutched his chest and dragged forced himself forward. Victor led Lee Seng into the third room on the right. It was a huge room filled with screens. A raised pad sat in the middle of the room and staff were sitting in chairs around the pad.

"Callas, what seems to be the problem?" A staff member asked. Victor pointed at Lee Seng who was slowly entering the room. The staff members looked worried and looked at Victor for an answer.

"He isn't feeling well. He didn't get bit and insists on going back first." Victor answered.

"Does he need to be hospitalized?"

"Well, he--" Victor began.

"No." Lee Seng interjected. The staff members' attention went to Lee Seng who slowly came to a stop near Victor. "I need to go back to the Third Year dormitory. Is there anyway I could just be teleported directly there?"

"Why do you need to go there? Is something wrong? You should get--" The staff member began to say when Lee Seng cut them off.

"I don't need to be hospitalized, okay? It's a personal matter of my own power. I have some stuff in my room that helps me more than a doctor could." Lee Seng lied. He groaned in pain and leaned forward. He could feel his soul bead starting to burn. His body felt like it was going to light on fire if he waited any longer. "Can you send me to the Third Year dormitory or not?"

"W-we could, but we need clearance..." The staff member answered.

"Just do it." Scarlet ordered. She quickly stepped in with Vickie and Noah behind her. Lee Seng didn't recognize the two behind her. He assumed they were Fourth Years and quickly decided to ignore everything and continue towards the telepad.

"N-Number Four, ma'am!" The staff member stood and saluted. The rest of the staff stood to salute.

"Teleportation for Lee Seng Chang to the Third Year dormitory is cleared by me, alright? Do as he says." Scarlet ordered. The staff members sat and began their work. Lee Seng slowly climbed the stairs to the top of the telepad.

"What's wrong with him?" Scarlet asked. Victor turned to stand besides her as Scarlet continued to follow after Lee Seng.

"He says he isn't feeling well. He keeps clutching at his chest. Is this due to the--"

"Classified, Callas." Scarlet interjected. She turned and stopped at the base of the stairs. Lee Seng got to the top and tightened his jaw in pain. "Callas, Sanchez, Greenhorn. Finish your operations here and do the necessary things you need to do. I'm going with Chang."

"Yes, Four!" The three Fourth Years saluted. Scarlet turned and climbed the stairs.

"Start it up!" Scarlet ordered. She stood on the telepad and reached for Lee Seng's hand, who swatted it away. The telepad started to rumble and in an instant a beam of light shot them to the top floor of the Third Year building. It was a small white room with a telepad in the middle of the room.

Lee Seng pushed past Scarlet and swung the door open.

"Lee Seng, are you okay?!?" Scarlet asked. Lee Seng turned and forced the door shut with his gravity. He tightened his grip and continued towards the stairs. He threw the door open and clambered down the stairs. Lee Seng slowly pressed against the railing as he moved. He cleared two floors of stairs and turned to continue down.

'Floor Six only?' Lee Seng thought. He turned and pulled the door to floor six open and stumbled down the hallway. He would have to take the elevator to quickly get to where he needed to get to. He turned left at the end of the hallway and smacked the down button repeatedly. Some students waiting for the elevator gave him a weird look.

Lee Seng groaned and tightened his grip on his chest. He felt like his chest was going to burst at any second. The elevator dinged and students poured out. Lee Seng stumbled into the elevator and glanced to see if floor 2 was hit. He didn't see it was glowing, so he stuffed his hand in between a student and the elevator button floors and hit two and moved to the back.

The elevator continued to the top and people came in and out. When the elevator finally descended Lee Seng could feel his hope growing.

'I'm almost there.' He told himself. 'Just make it to the room and whatever happens... happens.' The elevator stopped at floor 2 and Lee Seng pushed past the crowded elevators. He ignored the looks and moved to his room. He fumbled for his phone and struggled to unlock it and hit the necessary buttons to get to the scan code.

His hand shook has he lifted it up to the door and the phone slipped out of his hand. Lee Seng cursed as he pushed past the pain and reached for the phone. Lee Seng swiped at the phone a couple of times before grabbing it and shoving it at the code reader. The door unlocked and he pushed the door open and stumbled inside. The door automatically closed behind him as he made his way to his bed.

His chest was burning and he could feel the soul bead coming out. Lee Seng ignored the perfectly cleaned and empty room. The shades weren't open and it was dark. He secretly thanked Manny for his habit of not opening shades as he stumbled forward.

Lee Seng felt his body burning and stripped himself of all his clothes. His soul bead flew out and golden flames licked at him. He screamed in pain as it pulled further away from him. All of his energy left him and he landed on his bed. Lee Seng's tail covered his behind as the soul bead floated above him.

The soul bead shined brightly and white and gold energy shot out in every direction. Lee Seng was cocooned in white and gold, moving further and further from his bed as the energy wrapped around him. The energy forced him in a standing position and held him in the middle of the air. The gold and white energy attached to everything in the room. The energy solidified and a huge cocoon of condensed energy pulsed with Lee Seng's body glowing from within.

Lee Seng could hear and feel Keng. It felt like he was falling asleep. Keng started to fall asleeep as the golden orb flew out of Lee Seng's chest and the two began to fuse. Lee Seng let sleep take him into unconsciousness.

Unknown Time Later

The pounding of the door woke Keng up. He peered from the soul orb and noticed the soul bead was almost done with the evolution.

"Lee Seng, are you alright? Please open up!" Scarlet pounded. "Try the door again, Manny." Manny punched the code in and the door turned green. Scarlet tried the door and the door didn't budge.

"What's wrong with this door? Did he barricade himself in it?" Manny asked. He tried to shoulder the door open but it didn't open. Scarlet began to pound again.

"Ugh, you'll wake him up from his sleep." Keng spoke. Keng pressed his nose against the soul bead-orb and fell out onto the ground. He landed with a thud. The cold ground touched his skin and he shivered. "Why am I cold?" Keng pushed himself up and realized he had human arms. Keng yelped and sat on his bottom as he glanced at his new form.

"Hands, arms, feet, legs... What the hell happened?" Keng spoke. He looked up at the cocoon of energy and watched his counterpart quietly resting. Keng pushed himself onto his feet and stumbled around awhile, grabbing onto the closet door for support. "I'm a human now." Keng smiled. "I'm a human!" He jumped and felt vertigo overtake him.

"Woah, woah!" Keng said. He waved his arms around and ignored the pounding at the door. The familiar chime of the soul bead caught his attention and he stopped and stood in place. The energy began to dissipate around Lee Seng and Keng moved over to grab the naked Lee Seng.

"Oof!" Keng grunted as Lee Seng's full weight pressed onto him. Keng grabbed the comforter sheet and slowly put Lee Seng on the bed. He stumbled over to the closet and pulled some orange shorts and slipped it onto Lee Seng before slipping on the dirty pair of orange shorts on the ground onto himself.

​ Keng moved to the bathroom, holding whatever he could on his way and looked himself in the mirror.

"Woah," Keng gasped. "I look like Lee Seng!" He happily grabbed at his face and then nodded.

"Lee Seng, open the door!" Scarlet pounded.

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