
Chapter 106 Land Of The Living Undead?

The shadowy souls filled the entire roof side. With a single motion from the Hat Man, they all rushed at Lee Seng. Lee Seng sheathed the blade as the shadows began to tackle him. He could feel the energy of hundreds of souls entering him and disappearing. The energy within side him grew and pulsed with each shadow the entered.

The shadows barraged Lee Seng for what seemed like hours. In mere seconds, the shadows finished rushing Lee Seng and the overwhelming energy forced Lee Seng onto his knees.

"What was that...?" Lee Seng whispered. He took deep breaths as he tried to grasp onto the sheathed blade.

"And just like that, my job here is done!" The Hat Man clapped happily. "I guess this is where we bid farewell, child foxling. Please try not to traverse in my realm for not too long. Time moves quickly here but you move just as fast."

Lee Seng pushed himself up, gripping at blade the Hat Man gave him and stood up. He looked at the Hat Man who was starting to turn around and reached out. The Hat Man stopped and turned.

"How do I... go back?" Lee Seng asked.

"Inter regna ambulo. Iterum volo introire in terram viventium." The Hat Man spoke and Lee Seng could oddly understand it. "That's the incantation you should use to get back, but I have a feeling you will figure out how to move into the other realm." The Hat man waved. He moved towards the edge of the roof and Lee Seng watched as the Hat Man dropped. Lee Seng scrambled forward but his feet stopped him. He reached out with a yelp as his heart jumped into his throat. Seconds went by and Lee Seng retracted his hand and took a couple more deep breaths.

"I should... get off this rooftop. I feel like I'm gonna throw up now." Lee Seng covered his mouth and turned. He walked towards the door and put his hand on the handle and held it. The words the Hat Man spoke came into his mind. Lee Seng knew the language sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He felt like he could easily translate it.

"I walk among the kingdoms. Again I wish to enter into the land of the living." Lee Seng spoke. He gripped at the door and pulled it and entered. The monochrome colors of Limbo quickly faded and he found himself walking out of the skyscraper building. Colors seemingly came back like it was always there. He could see the black street roads with faded orange and white lines. The blue tinted windows of the skyscraper stood behind him.

The blue sky with white clouds stood above him and the bright yellow sun exactly where it was in Limbo.

'Time had passed like nothing. I wasted... a couple of hours?' Lee Seng guessed. He needed to speed up on getting out. Lee Seng pulled the mask off, watching the gold and white wisps evaporate into thin air around him. The mask faded in his hands and Lee Seng realized his negative was gone.

,m "Time does go by quickly there. I totally forgot my arms were hurting." Lee Seng stretched his arms and hands before looking around. "I'm in the heart of the city, so I need to figure out where to go from here." Lee Seng turned left and felt his body blur. He zoomed through the city for quite awhile before he saw signs of anyone else.

A large area of the street and surrounding areas told Lee Seng a fight had broken out. He could see blood and puss splattered around. It followed the trail until he found a dead body. It reeked of a zombie. Its head was clearly cut off and its head was thin cut in half and left a couple of feet away. Lee Seng bent down and checked the zombie. It looked like a normal zombie to him.

'I guess the trail ends here. The zombie got its head sliced off after it constantly moved around.' Lee Seng found himself moving back to look at the different areas. He took in the surroundings. 'Street, damaged cars, and poles. The buildings are too far for jumps, so the person must've been quick to move from place to place in an instant.'

Lee Seng narrowed his eyes as he looked at one of the metal poles. He could see indentation marks with blood and puss. He studied the indentation and found himself moving to the point where the transfer student must've been.

"Could the zombie have some sort of enhanced part? The indentation marks with the puss and blood are similar to the others. The student must've been running towards the direction where the zombie ended up at. So that means..." Lee Seng found himself back at the dead zombie. He lifted his sheathed blade and lifted the zombie's leg.

He studied the leg for awhile and it didn't look abnormal to him. He guessed this zombie had normal legs. Lee Seng pulled the gold-white katana blade out and swung at the zombie's leg. The blood and puss gushed out and he pushed the leg away and studied the muscles.

"They're smaller than normal, but there's indication that..." Lee Seng tilted his head and stood up. He sheathed his blade and grabbed the cut off leg. He threw it into the middle pole and watched as the pole indented before leg bounced off. "It's legs are the source of its speed and power. This zombie's different from the huge muscular zombie I fought."

Lee Seng wiped the nasty liquids onto his shorts and sighed.

'I'm burning these clothes when I'm done.'

Lee Seng jumped over the zombie and car and continued forward. He quickly moved through the city in the middle of the street. He casually bounced around, looking for things to do. There wasn't much indication of other students around. He decided he would stick to one direction even if he saw signs of students around.

'Sticking to a direction would eventually get me to an exit.' Lee Seng thought. He jogged for a good fifteen minutes before he came to another interesting sight. Cars were piled up on top of each other. They were intentionally blocking his way forward. Lee Seng sighed and decided he would carefully look around before making a decision to blast his way through.

'The last thing I need is to get stuck in another trap.' He moved towards the stacked cars, watching and listening for anything strange. The cars were neatly stacked like they were in a huge junkyard. Lee Seng could smell the rust off of the cars. They creaked away but nothing seemed 'off' about it. He turned around and looked left and right.

The sidewalks and street continued past the cars. The poles were found on the ground. He wandered over and studied the cuts of the poles.

'These were done by someone.' Lee Seng observed. 'The cuts are rough. They were done multiple times to get these poles to probably fall. I think this was meant to be blocked off for a reason. I'm wondering what reason now.' Lee Seng turned to look back at the piles of cars and sighed.

"I should just slice my way through with an infused gravity swing." Lee Seng whispered. He pulled the katana out with his left hand and gripped it. He moved closer to the cars and sliced the air in the shape he wanted to cut. "Two cuts creating a triangle top. I'll push past with the third hit."

Lee Seng twirled the blade in his hand and took a breath while he took his stance. He felt the blade resonate with his Dark Matter and heard the calming vibration noise. He lifted the blade and slashed at the air twice. Two huge gravity slashes flew outwards and went through the cars like butter.

Lee Seng sheathed the blade and pushed with his right hand. A blast of gravity flew out and a triangle cutout of the cars flew inwards. The cars rattled and rolled in, kicking up debris and large dirt clouds. Lee Seng dashed inwards and turned to look at the triangle cut out before looking back in front of him.

"I wonder what's in here." He moved through the smoke and easily jumped past the cut cars. Lee Seng noticed this side was slightly cleaner than the other side. The debris was because of his sudden intrusion and cuts. He pushed past the clouds and his eyes narrowed into the distance. He could see, tiny in the distance, a huge gate.

"I'm so far yet so close." He took three steps forward when a huge set of poles flew downwards at him. Lee Seng's ears twitched and he pulled his blade out and sent infused slashes at the pole. The poles crumbled around him and another distinct noise caught his attention. Lee Seng swung the blade in front of him and a blast of gravity pushed hundreds of small balls away from him. The balls scattered in front of him.

"Ahhh, so someone did dare enter the blocked path." A distorted female voice spoke, stepping into view.

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