
Chapter 100 Hell Weekend Start

Lee Seng woke up shivering. He was propped up against a wall. He glanced around and noticed it was about sunrise. He was sitting in a dilapidated house with an assortment of crap all over the floors. The house had signs of wear and tear from what Lee Seng managed to take in before his head began to pulse.

"Argh!" Lee Seng grabbed his head. He shut his eyes. His eyes felt like they were going to pop out of his head. His ears rang and the headache grew stronger. He groaned as he rubbed the middle of his forehead and nose. A microphone screeched and Lee Seng curled his tail and covered his ears. Someone cleared their throat before the began to speak.

"Welcome transfer students to Transfer Hell Weekend. Sucks to be you cause you get to go through such a fun weekend of festivities!" A female voice spoke. "Now, some of you must be wondering 'how the hell did I get here?' Well, don't worry cause you were taken into the night and injected with a special injection that kept you quiet 'til now.

"For the small percentage that did put up a fight, I applaud you!" The female started to clap. "Some of you banged up my helpers real bad and needed a second injection. You should've just came quietly cause you're now experiencing the effects of  two injections!" She began to laugh and the sound of someone grabbing the mic was heard.

"Listen up, transfers!" A rough male voice yelled. "You got until sun's highest to get out of the field! Use any means to get out! Failure to do so will result in  heavy punishment, hear me!?!"

"Noah, give me the mic!" The female shouted. Sounds of the two fighting for the mic were heard before the sound of water was heard. Lee Seng's ears and tail shot up. He looked up and out the window. He held a hand to his head as he forced his eyes to adjust.

The mic dropped and the sound of water grew louder.

"I shouldn't have left it to you two. Step aside." Victor's voice spoke. Sounds of Victor grabbing the mic were heard followed by Victor clearing his throat.

"That's the Fourth Year I fought!" Lee Seng pointed at the window. He knew the sounds were coming from outside and pushed himself onto his feet. He stumbled and grabbed onto the flipped couch a couple of feet in front of him and tried to steady himself.

"Like they said, you were taken here as a tradition. Welcome to the Capitol City Academy and yours truly, Victor Callas, along with Noah Greenhorn and Vickie Sanchez, will be watching twenty students try to get out of the Ruined City Field Zone. We've implemented some 'fun' for you to watch out for. Be careful for the monsters lurking around."

"You're allowed to use your powers to protect yourself. You may not harm other transfer students. If you do, you'll automatically fail this test and be heavily punished." Vickie spoke.

"Well, I think with all of that, the double injections should've worn off for almost everyone. Good luck!" Victor said. The connection cut and Lee Seng sighed as his head felt like it was clearing. He slowly moved his weight from the couch onto his feet and stood.

"I guess I'm fine." Lee Seng said. He looked around the house and noticed it was a two-story home that was mostly casted in shadows apart from the small windows that let in sun. He climbed the stairs to the second story, listening to each stair creak under his weight. The second floor hallway was dark. He rubbed his eyes that were still throbbing. He could see that his eyesight was adjusting and slowly turning the darkness away.

"I can see in the dark?" Lee Seng asked. "I thought you said I wouldn't be able to do that."

'I said it would be hard. I didn't say you couldn't do it. I guess you've gotten used to your eyes that it's starting to give you darkvision.' Keng answered. 'Although, it looks like you don't have the  full effect of it, yet.'

Lee Seng nodded. There were spots of darkness he couldn't see, but it looked like the darkvision gave him enough to work out the layout of the hallway and what was in the way. He slowly moved to the end of the hallway and tried the door. The doorknob twisted and he pushed. The door opened to a child's bedroom. Judging from the faded colors of the paint and what was in here, Lee Seng guessed a girl lived here at some point.

He walked over to the window and pulled the curtains away.

"The sun's rising from there, so I'm facing east. The goal is to get out before sun reaches its highest point." Lee Seng whispered. He looked upwards and sighed. "I need a high advantage point." Lee Seng unlocked the windows, putting more strength into it than he initially thought he needed, snapping off the locks.

He pushed the window upwards and was met with a screen. Lee Seng cursed under his breath as he blasted the screen window with gravity and watched it fly off and clank onto the building across the street and clank onto the ground. Lee Seng stuck his head out and looked below. The street was unkept. Weeds and grass grew through the cracks. Abandoned cars and items were littered all over the small streets.

Lee Seng saw a thin ledge propping out of the house. He looked around and noticed the roof was only six to eight feet above. If he could get on top, he could try to see where he should go. As Lee Seng pulled himself back inside, he heard something in the distance. His ears twitched and his tail lowered. His body had goosebumps.

It was a low growl. It was slowly making its way over. Lee Seng closed his eyes and listened. He always did this out of habit when listening to something quiet. He knew it was just a habit he did that correlated with him 'hearing better,' but he still did it despite it all.

"It's on the street... Towards the left." Lee Seng whispered. He could hear creaking from the hallway behind him and he slowly opened his eyes. "Something else is in here with me? I didn't hear anythi--"

A loud scream took over his sense of hearing and he threw himself to the side as the smell of rotten flesh crashed into the opened window, flying out of the window.


Lee Seng pulled himself up and stuck his head out the window. The smell of rotten flesh made him want to puke but he pushed through it. A decaying body slowly rose from the ground and screamed. The growl in the distance turned into a scream that triggered screams all around him.

"Dammit. Don't tell me it's the undead that are in this city." Lee Seng muttered. He watched as the decaying flesh lifted its messed up head at him and made eye contact with him. It screeched again and Lee Seng shook his head.

'Dammit.' Lee Seng thought. He watched as the undead turned around and rushed towards the house. Lee Seng could hear a slam below him. 'Rolling the dice on undead isn't great. Especially since these are zombies.' Lee Seng continued to hear the slamming below him. He moved to step onto the window. He would balance on the window edge and turn himself around.

He turned around and looked to his left and right. There wasn't anything to grab onto. He would have to try to make the six to eight foot jump from the window ledge. Lee Seng sighed and jumped, pushing gravity out of his feet. He flew upwards, splintering and crumbling the wood and brick below him and flying up past the house and getting a better look around.

The Ruined City sprawled for, what seemed like, miles. He was slowly falling back and landed hard onto the roof. Shingles crumbled around him as he landed. He let out a sigh of relief and peeked to see if the undead zombie was still slamming itself against the house. He looked around and noticed four more zombies were coming towards him.

"Noise attracts them." Lee Seng reminded himself. He figured the two nearest to him had heard the screen window get blown off, so they were attracted to the noise. The zombie that tried to slam into him, had heard him and tracked him down. He wondered why he hadn't heard that earlier.

'If I didn't hear it earlier then that means it wasn't giving me enough indication that it  was  there.' Lee Seng shuddered at the thought of him passing it earlier. 'What if it was dormant until I made noise?' Lee Seng shuddered and pulled away from the roof edge.

"I need to figure out where the nearest exit is. I could try to push myself all the way out, but I think my limbs might just make me drop before I get anywhere in sight of a gate."

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