Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 126: Primordial’s Breath

Chapter 126: Primordial’s Breath

「《Black Demonic Spear(Black Javelin)》…!」

As May screamed, the jet-black spear floating above her head rushed toward Belphegor.

《Black Demonic Spear》― it was an extremely destructive and fast dark magic skill. It could also plunder the target’s life force.

『Kukuku… It’s futile, you know!』

Belphegor’s ominous smile didn’t fade away. Her horn and the pillar behind her cast again cast an ominous light.

The 《Black Demonic Spear》 continued to fly, and the moment it was about to hit Belphegor―


A dry sound resounded on the floor.

At the same moment, the 《Black Demonic Spear》 got smashed apart.

「Impossible! How can a dark magic skill that has the most destructive power get erased so easily!?」

Ciel’s eyes opened wide in shock. Aria and Tama went through similar emotions.

「That barrier… How troublesome!」

May heaved a sigh as she looked at Belphegor.

Seeing that, Belphegor looked down at May and derisively spoke.

『That’s surprising! To think that someone other than the Archmage can use dark magic as well… Moreover, your skill look like a 〝pale Imitation? of the Archmage’s.』

May bit her lips upon hearing Belphegor’s taunt. She then looked at Belphegor and the crystal pillar behind her.

『Fufufu… looks like you realized the source of my power.』

「Yeah, I understand now. I’ve figured out the trick behind your strengthened power and that powerful barrier.」

May’s expression changed from an innocent child’s to that of an adult. She continued.

「You’re using the mana of your sealed self. That’s the trick behind your strength!」

『Ufufufu… correct, Young miss! You’re absolutely correct!』

Belphegor started laughing with an amused look on her face. Her other self, the one sealed inside the crystal barrier, slowly raised her arm.

「I see! You’re using the vast amount of mana inside your sealed self. And that’s the main reason behind your power-up.」

Ciel finally understood the reason behind Belphegor’s strength after hearing the conversation.

『It’s such a wonderful power, right? With this newfound power, I… can create a barrier that can negate all kinds of attacks, you kno~w?』

Belphegor pridefully spoke with a bewitching look on her face.

「「… !!」」

Aria and Tama were left agape. Belphegor’s words meant that the barrier would also negate Tama’s inherent skill and Aria’s 《Excalibur》.

「Since that’s the case, the only way to defeat her is by using a pure, close combat fighting style!」

Ciel spoke as she readied her 《Celcius Blade》.

However, May quickly shouted, 「WAIT!」.

「Is there something the matter, May?」

Ciel asked. She guessed that Ciel was pondering about something.

「Everyone, please step back and stand behind me!」

After saying those words, May moved her hand to the collar on her neck and took out a necklace.

『Ufufufu… is that a magic tool? I have no idea what you’re trying to do, but this barrier can nullify anything formed from mana, you know?』

Belphegor spoke with a grin.

Hearing that, May replied while flashing a daring smile on her adorable face.

「And that negligence is the reason for your doom!」


「Imperial-sama, lend me your power!」

She raised the magic tool she had received from Imperial before her time jump, Primordial Choker.

Everyone wondered what was going to happen when―


Pillars of lightning started to appear in front of May.

The purple lightning bolts grew bigger and bigger with each passing second until they formed a gigantic gate.

(That’s, bad news…!)

A chill ran down Belphegor’s spine as soon as she saw the scene in front of May.

She invoked another 《Evil Surtr》.

Countless purple demon swords rushed toward May at once.

「Not so fast! 《Sacred Blade》――!!」

Aria moved to May’s side and shot her sacred blade to protect May.

「NYAN,(《Flame Howling》)!」

Tama fired his flame howl along with Aria’s blade.

The flame howling merged with Aria’s sacred blade and annihilated the demon swords from Belphegor.

At the next moment―


May fired her attack. A torrent of terrifying and powerful black mass exited out of the gate. This power far surpassed a dragon’s.


Belphegor raised an agonizing shout.

Her barrier unfolded in front of her to protect her, but it was being shaved away little by little.

Maybe because the barrier had reached its limit in front of May’s 《Atomic Breath》, Belphegor’s horns and the crystal behind her rapidly blinked.

《Atomic Breath》 continued to press on.


As the sound rang out, the barrier that always protected Belphegor got smashed.

『Just… just what in the hell is that? My barrier… my barrier should be able to nullify all attacks made from mana!』

Belphegor hatefully glared at May.

May replied with a confident smile on her face,

「The answer is simple! This attack, 《Atomic Breath》, is an attack formed from the 〝Magical Power? of the spirit world, not mana!」

Magical power was different from mana. It was the name of an energy body that existed in this world.

Most people in the world generally used mana to invoke their skill, but a small number utilized magical power instead. Amongst this small number were the Archmage Maiya and one of his spouses, Imperial.

The magic tool May had received from Imperial fired a skill created from magical power, 《Atomic Breath》.

「As expected of the Archmage’s daughter. Her power… is unfathomable.」

Ciel unintentionally let out a sigh upon hearing May’s words.

「I have to say that your barrier is strong, but you need a lot of time and mana to construct it! You can’t erect it again so easily after its destruction!」


Belphegor let out a vexed voice, maybe because May’s words were spot on.

「Well then, this is the end!」

「Nyan(Prepare Yourself)!」

Aria and Tama prepared their last attack.

『Guh… I guess I’ve no choice but to show you my… 〝Other Form?!』

Belphegor spoke in a vexed voice.

「EVERYONE, watch out! She’s going to transform!」

Ciel yelled.

At the next moment, a blinding, ominous purple light appeared around Belphegor’s body.

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