Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 123: Dragon Girl and Cat Knight’s Cooperation Battle

Chapter 123: Dragon Girl and Cat Knight’s Cooperation Battle

Because of her war cry, the goblins noticed Stella sooner.


The goblin king, who sat in the middle, ordered its lackeys.

With their weapons in their hands, all the goblins lunged toward Stella at once.

Unfortunately, to reach her, they needed to step over Tama’s corpse first.

Tama looked at the incoming enemies and fired one 《Elemental Bullet》―《Flame Missile》.

When Tama let out a cry, the attack appeared and flew straight toward the goblins.

It landed right in the center of the goblins’ crowd, exploding along with a deafening sound.


At the moment when the goblins panicked due to the explosion in their midst, Stella took a leap.

She landed right in front of the goblin king, in the center of the goblins’ stronghold. After taking a deep breath, she brandished her Claiomh Solais.


The goblin king took up its greatsword in both of its hands to block Stella’s attack. He was really surprised upon receiving such a heavy slash, one that had come from a female human on top of that.

Since their king had gotten attacked by their enemies, the goblins started to surround Stella in order to attack her from all directions.


Tama raised a cry.

He invoked his newly awakened trait skill―《Elemental Manipulation Cannon》.

Four light balls appeared above Tama’s head. The light balls shone even brighter, then they morphed into cannons shaped like a lion’s head.

Red, blue, green, and black, every single one of those cannons had its own unique color.


When Tama let out a cry for the second time, the cannons started moving in the air as if they had their own will.

(Take this!《Water Bit》!)

While Stella battled the goblin king, Tama saw several goblins jump at her from behind to stab her.

So, Tama redirected the blue cannon, 《Water Bit》, to block these goblins’ way.

And then, the lion’s head-shaped muzzle fired a super-compressed water laser beam.

As 《Water Bit》 shifted its muzzle, so did the laser it shot. The result was that the water laser sliced a few goblins’ torsos at once.

「NYAAA (This isn’t the end. Goooo! 《Aether Bit》)!」

Tama shifted his line of sight toward another direction.

He was now looking at the spear-wielding goblin, who had come out from behind the goblin king.

The green cannon, 《Aether Bit》, blocked this goblin’s way and rapidly closed in on him. And then—

「NYAN (Hasta la vista, baby)!」

As Tama raised another adorable cry, 《Aether Bit》 fired a barrage of wind shells.

Every single goblin who got hit by the invisible wind bullets had been blown back till their bodies struck the wall far behind them.

None of those goblins stood up ever again as the impact of them crashing against the wall had crushed their insides.

「GUHAHAHA! As expected of Tama! Now, I can kill this guy without any interruption!」

Stella let out a mad laugh upon seeing Tama get rid of the small fries.

With her Claiomh Solais locked against the goblin king’s greatsword, she transformed her arms into dragon arms and used charge attack with Caladbog.

『I-ImPOSsiBLe! SuCh A ThiNG…』

The goblin king saw its lackeys being continuously exterminated by the mysterious weapon of its enemy. And that wasn’t everything. Even the female human in front of it was slowly, but surely overwhelming it. That was the reason for the goblin king’s shocked voice.


At his shout, the bow-wielding goblins in the back set their arrow to fire them at any moment.

(Not so fast!)

Grasping the situation around them, Tama looked at Stella, then put his next plan in motion.

The red cannon, 《Flame Bit》, moved at breakneck speed and arrived right in front of the goblin archer squad.

Just when the goblin archers fired their arrows, 《Flame Bit》 spewed scorching flame from its muzzle. The flame burned the arrows and the goblins to ashes. However, other goblins were ready to replace the burned ones. The goblin mage was amidst the archers, and it was pointing its cane toward Stella.


Tama let out a roar.

Then, the black cannon, 《Rock Bit》, arrived right on top of the goblin mage’s head. The cannon rose even further and fired rock-shell-like bullets toward the enemies right below it.

All the goblin archers around the goblin mage got annihilated due to 《Rock Bit》’s wide range of attack.

「Humph! Now I just need to kill this small fry!」

Just when Tama finished off the goblin archers, Stella stabbed the goblin king’s chest with Claiomh Solais.

The moment Stella slew the goblin king, against all expectations, the remaining goblins escaped at once. It looked like they were scared shi*tless.

It seemed the goblin king’s lackeys wanted their king to die too.

Stella’s Claiomh Solais and Caladbog, and Tama’s new skill, 《Elemental Manipulation Cannon》s, both freely moved to exterminate the remaining goblins.

「Uhm, that’s a… nice coordinated battle.」

「Rather, Tama-chan just… used another amazing skill, nyan…」

As they looked at Stella and Tama’s coordinated battle from afar, Aria and Vulcan spoke to each other with cramped smiles on their faces.

The other members of the party were also speechless. They looked at that battle scene with dumbfounded looks on their faces.

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