Chapter 3253 - Galactic Emperor Li Tianming
Over the last few days as Tianming's subjects all broke through together, the two percent of people on Ebonia that hadn’t believed in him had finally been converted. Currently, everyone on the Sun and Ebonia were part of his flock. A black-and-gold net that spanned ten times the volume of Ebonia surrounded the two worlds, forming a fortress, yet Tianming was the only one who could see it.
"Now the Tianming Dynasty is finally prospering!"
Xiaodao, Wudi, and the others watched with awe. The red dust had been dealt with for good, and life and peace had returned to their worlds. It was an age of renewal and upheaval! It was the true birth of the Tianming Dynasty on the Sun and Ebonia. They weren't individual nations on their own, but one single interworld nation of gods!
Tianming returned to his seniors. Lin Xiao, Dongshen Yue, and the rest, including Dongshen Yue's elder brother, Dongshen Yang, were all on the Sun, looking at the youth that glowed like the Sun itself.
"If you aren’t a supreme divine lifeform, I don't know who is," Xiaodao said, his voice hoarse.
"Feng'er is truly a universal miracle!" Lin Xiao's eyes were bloodshot.
Everyone else's hearts just couldn't be stilled.
"How strong are you right now?" Xiaodao came forward and couldn't even look directly at Tianming's piercing gaze.
"Try me out," Tianming said.
"Then I won't hold back!" Xiaodao was a foundationeer but he gave it his all, fusing his swordbeasts into his sword and striking with a full-power Death Imperatoris. The sword he used was the Primordial Demonshade! It was the strongest move he could muster with a top-tier cosmic artifact, yet Tianming managed to stop the attack by grabbing the blade with his fingertips. Xiaodao couldn't even pull the sword back.
"This...." Being Tianming's master, he felt a little awkward. He had just witnessed his disciple's strength, though he managed to twist it at the last second to save some face. "Did you see that? He's my disciple, and the disciple has surpassed the master! Oh, this reminds me of my glory days!"
Everyone laughed, Tianming included. With power like this, I should be able to defend my home if it gets involved in my troubles one day.
Everyone on the Sun and Ebonia was cultivating to make up for lost time. Tianming finally had some free time to himself, so he began studying his new omnisentient threads.
"Huh?" He noticed that something had greatly changed. "Why’re some threads stretching here all the way from Gladeus?"
While Gladeus wasn't too far away from Ebonia, Tianming recalled that he hadn’t been able to connect with the omnisentient threads from there when he was on the Sun. "No, it isn’t just Gladeus! There's even threads from Bluecypress, Clearnoble, Longriver, and Evertome.... Ji Ji, how far are those stars from me?"
Tianming hadn't even heard of some of those worlds, yet there were black-and-gold omnisentient threads that connected him to them!
"Some are close, others are far. The farthest would take a year to reach, based on the cruising speed of the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb," Ji Ji said.
"What?!" He was quite stunned. He immediately piloted the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb to rise above the flaming clouds of the Sun, distancing himself enough until he was far enough from the Sun and reached the giant network of black-and-gold nets around Ebonia.
From the net, he saw omnisentient threads from all over the astralscape connected to him. They seemed able to overcome astral distances, some of them moving even faster than divine astralships! The threads from distant worlds were much fewer in number, compared to those of Ebonia, but they had crossed unimaginable distances to connect to him.
"The threads from Gladeus are able to provide me with just as much energy as those from Ebonia. What does that mean.... Wait, a galactic emperor! That's what it means! Back then, my white omnisentient threads could only connect to me when I'm close to a star. I was only a normal emperor back then. But these black-and-gold omnisentient threads are able to cross astral distances! I still don't know their limit, but at least it’ll give me many more avenues to tap into this power!"
He immediately had Fengqing Youmeng transport him to somewhere farther away to test his theory. "I need you to take me farther and farther away using the wonderians' markers!"
"Okay!" She never backed down from the chance to show her usefulness, or the chance to hold his arm tight.
"Let's go!" Tianming entered the Xenoworld. After passing through the spatially weird place, he emerged at another point in the astralscape of order. There was a purple fourth-class nova source world there called Purplex with hundreds of thousands of omnisentient threads. It wasn't a lot, but it was still something. They weren't that far away from Ebonia. The moment he arrived, his body glowed bright.
"Here it comes!" Tianming turned toward the direction of the Sun and Ebonia. In almost an instant, a hundred trillion omnisentient threads shot toward him and connected to him, boosting his divine might.
"I wasn't able to use the Sun and Ebonia's omnisentient power from this far away before!" He was quite agitated at the discovery. "Okay, next stop!"
Tianming kept testing the threads' connectivity, moving farther and farther away from Ebonia. After traveling farther around ten times, he was shocked to see that he could still connect to omnisentient threads from the Sun and Ebonia, albeit with some degradation. Even so, he had still discovered something crucial.
"The omnisentient power degrades if I'm too far away, but the threads from the local worlds around me will connect to me to make up for it!" For instance, Purplex was still close enough to Ebonia and the Sun, so that was where his omnisentient power was at its strongest.
He had thought that distance was the greatest factor until he’d reached Gladeus, which had the most omnisentient threads apart from the Sun and Ebonia. It was five times further away from them than Purplex. Logically speaking, the number of threads there would be far lower than Purplex's, yet he found that he was much more powerful near Gladeus compared to Purplex.
Tianming noticed that the threads from the Sun and Ebonia intersected with those of Gladeus before connecting to his body. It was as if the people from Gladeus were acting as relays to transfer the power of the Sun and Ebonia to him!
"In other words, as long as I have enough omnisentient threads in any given astral world, I’ll be able to get a boost from omnisentient power from anywhere in Infinitum!"
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