Chapter 3222 - Raising a Tiger

Chapter 3222 - Raising a Tiger

Only a small minority of people noticed the cold flash of rage from Eminent Ranxing. And most of those were impressed, thinking that it was actually part of his plan.

"Since House Suishen’s pushing this, it must no doubt be part of Eminent Ranxing's plan. Coupled with the rule in the Myriadpath Sacred Code, I think Li Tianming can be made a minor pathkeeper after all!"

"That's right!"

"Now that's a real promotion if I've seen one!"

Tianming was just as shaken as the others in Myriadpath Valley. He turned and looked at Eminent Jiguang, then read the rule for himself. It was there in black and white.

"Insane!" It was a huge, unexpected boon for him. While Eminent Jiguang had managed to convince the normal cultivators, Tianming knew that it would only take effect if those of the Three Exalted Houses didn't dispute it. At the very least, two out of the three houses had to agree before someone could be made a minor pathkeeper.

If I’m killed as a Suishen ward, only House Suishen would act in retaliation. However, if someone messes with me after I'm made a minor pathkeeper, the entire valley will be up in arms for me! The eminents won't respect a Suishen ward, but even someone like Eminent Tiankui will have to bow to me if I'm a minor pathkeeper.

That was the difference in status. Among the many fortuna disciples of the Three Exalted Houses, there were only ten minor pathkeepers. Even if Tianming was a black ring disciple, his status would still be much higher than those of normal disciples of the three houses if he became a minor pathkeeper. Officially, he would be the equal of Suishen Yao, and a hundred times more prestigious than a mere ward of House Suishen.

His heart began beating faster. He knew that Eminent Jiguang had already paved the way for him and all he needed to do was play along. At the end of the day, they would still need Eminent Ranxing's assent. Eminent Jiguang had brought up the possibility, but she didn't have the final say.

It just so happened that the public believed the entire ruse was Eminent Ranxing's plan to begin with. Eminent Jiguang took Tianming straight to Eminent Ranxing. She instructed him to do everything she said, and Tianming quickly agreed.

He snuck a glance at Eminent Ranxing, one of the most powerful people in House Suishen. He clearly seemed displeased that his sister had overstepped her bounds and forced him to make this decision, but that was a separate issue. He might not like it, but that didn't mean he would refuse outright.

Eminent Jiguang waved a few other non-Suishens to stand farther away, then told Eminent Ranxing, "What I want to say is simple. First, this child has essentially given your son five million merit points and five kegs of springwater. Second, he can raise the number of minor pathkeepers of our house to four. Everything he’s done has boosted our house's name and reputation. Keep all that in mind when you make your decision!"

She knew what her brother was thinking. He didn't like it when she made decisions for him. Additionally, he would definitely consider how Tianming's presence and future would affect House Suishen's relationship with the other two exalted houses. His response to this issue would signal his attitude toward them.

However, Eminent Jiguang didn't want to think about any of that. Before Eminent Ranxing responded, she said, "At the end of the day, making him a minor pathkeeper is completely in accordance with the rules, so the other two houses can't say anything about it either, just you watch. Giving this child the status he’s earned will make it so that when he competes with the other two houses in the future, it won't be taken as a slight or challenge and simply be considered par for the course."

Yumo Yuanni couldn't stand that Tianming had defeated him because he believed Tianming's status was far beneath his. If Tianming had been a minor pathkeeper, however, his interception of Yumo Yuanni's bullying would just be considered normal. There would have been no risk of worsening relations between House Yumo and House Suishen.

Eminent Ranxing took a deep breath and looked his sister deep in the eyes. "Aren't you afraid you're raising a tiger who’ll come to bite us in the future?"

"I know you're referring to the previous valley lord and House Qitian. I'm sure you and I both know that things aren't as simple as they seem. The fact that you even said that means you consider Li Tianming to have potential to become the next valley lord, right? Looks like you really see him in a really positive light," Eminent Jiguang said.

"Not at all," he replied in a low voice.

"If you don't, then why’re you even worried?!" She couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Jiguang! Dad will definitely learn about this. You’re brashly forcing me to make a decision by overstepping your bounds. Are you ready for the consequences?" he said with gritted teeth.

"Fine! I'll bear the consequences, whatever they may be. You may not care about your son and daughter, but as their aunt, I do! Apart from the Three Exalted Houses, the other cultivators of Myriadpath Valley are watching to see if we’re properly following the Myriadpath Sacred Code. If you don't grant him the title, they’ll riot! You were the one who brought up the code in the first place," Eminent Jiguang nonchalantly said.

She knew that her brother had only brought up the code to justify not letting Tianming touch the eighth divine idol, but it’d ended up working against him and in her favor! It was truly laughable. And what made it better was that he couldn't publicly display his anger at her and had to keep up the pretense of negotiating the details.

When Eminent Jiguang finished, she took Tianming to the side. As she said, all two million cultivators looked at Eminent Ranxing and awaited the enforcement of the code.

"Jiguang, the consequences will be yours to bear!" Eminent Ranxing smiled at her and turned to the crowd. "Everyone, House Suishen’s of the opinion that Li Tianming indeed deserves to be made a minor pathkeeper based on the Myriadpath Sacred Code."

Even though Eminent Jiguang was the one who had forced the words from his mouth, it still hit differently when he actually said them. He was the true representative of House Suishen, after all. Though he seemed to want to say more, Eminent Jiguang popped up again. Eminent Ranxing was quite miffed by how she kept stealing the limelight from him, but he couldn't be bothered to stop her at that point.

She stood in front of Eminent Ranxing and looked at the distant clouds. "Qitian Muyu, what does House Qitian think about the Myriadpath Sacred Code's ruling?"

The crowd was stunned.

"Is Qitian Muyu here too?"

"Looks like quite a lot of elite figures are spectating the trial of the Prehistoric Path this time around."

Everyone turned and looked at Eminent Jiguang. A group of people suddenly descended from the distant clouds, led by an elegant, refined man in white robes. He seemed even more regal and dignified than Eminent Ranxing. The young-looking man had a beauty to him that made him seem like a recluse that was detached from worldly matters.

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