Bambi And The Duke

Chapter 80 - Men Of Council- Part 1

The building of the councillors stood tall and proud amidst the forest where it was built in isolation. The white walls along with the pillars were wide, made of marble that looked no less to a human child's imagination to be called as heaven which in reality was a place where orders were passed down.

The Council was situated close to Mythweald, Valeria and Bonelake, the closest being Bonelake which shared its weather of rain and dark clouds like today. Though not a drop of water had been spilt on the ground, the sky had turned grey at the time of noon to darken the atmosphere.

In one of the corridors stood Lord Nicholas talking to one of the councilmen with Leonard who stood next to him.

"Rueben has been informed on the matter which only pressurizes us to bring the person who has been behind the attacks," the councilmen explained after the court council had been adjourned, "The rule already states-"

Leonard interrupted the man, "The report has already been filed with the signed copies being served on what we found. I am sure if you took a look at it, you would see it isn't the black witches we have to worry about lest you think otherwise," the councilman shook his head.

"Duke Leonard, the council needs the facts and yes, we haven't seen something like this before but we don't know the black witches capabilities. Creatures evolve in t-"

"Creatures do not the black witches. We all have been educated enough to know that they don't have the brains to go that far. Attacking humans or any other kind including their own at times for their benefit," Leonard's voice was crisp, conveying the information he had gathered.

The count of dead bodies had considerably increased, one being found mostly in the forest or the towns where the humans resided. Men had been sent to investigate who came to a dead end. Even under the watchful eyes of the guards who were appointed by the council, humans and witches were getting killed.

"So we have heard,

"Councilman Igor," Lord Nicholas interjected after hearing both Leonard and the councilman speak, "If you were going to decide the case to be closed by concluding the black witches behind it, you wouldn't have asked me to put Leonard on the case. After all, he doesn't work for your department. We might have not found the answers to it yet but certain things require time."

"I do agree to that, Lord Nicholas," before the councilman could continue to speak Leonard spoke,

"Give us some time, councilman Igor."

The man stared hard at the ground, sighing he pushed the glass up that rested on his nose, "I don't think I would be able to reopen it right away but I will make sure to convey the matter to Reuben so that he knows about it."

"Thank you," Leonard gave him a slight bow.

"Excuse me now gentlemen. Evening to you," the councilman walked past them with a stick in his hand.

"Afternoon to you," Lord Nicholas murmured staring at the man's back who disappeared around the corner. He then spoke to Leonard, "What are the chances of him talking about it to Reuben?"

"None at all," deadpanned Leonard to see Nicholas pull out the cigar from his pocket, "I heard from Helnor that Igor was pushing the case to be closed. I found a document last night in his chamber with the parchments he happened to say was lost."

"Funny. So he wants the matter gone," commented Lord Nicholas appearing to be interested though he was. Lighting the cigar, he took a large puff from it, "You do know that breaking into a councilmen's home is an offence with a high degree of punishment. If one knew, they wouldn't overlook the matter," smoke pushed through his lips before dispersing in the air.

"If the councilmen knew not to lie, there wouldn't be a need for me to break into his house. It isn't my hobby."

"But it is one of your many talents," the Lord chuckled softly.

Leonard was one of the finest councilmen available for their age. It was one of the reasons he was often sought out for jobs he didn't usually didn't work on.

"I must have learned it from you," Leonard retorted to which Nicholas nodded his head.

"Yes. Learned from the best. Well, who knew," Lord Nicholas softly exclaimed staring at someone behind Leonard and he turned around to see two men walking through the outside corridors of the building. One of the men was the Lord of the West, Lord Alexander Delcrov who looked slightly annoyed when his eyes fell on Lord Nicholas.

"Lord Alexander," Lord Nicholas greeted the man.

"Lord Nicholas," the dark-haired man greeted back with the same tone, his pureblooded vampire eyes void of any emotions which he previously held from looking at the Lord of Bonelake. A long chain hung around his neck with a pendant cross that had a ruby stone that settled on his chest, "Duke Leonard," Lord Alexander greeted Leo. Upon the mention of his name, the redhead man gave a look at him who had come along with Lord Delcrov, "Thank you for clearing the calls that were pulled in the previous session of the court. The villagers have stopped the ambush next to Mythweald for water."

"I only did my job, milord," Leonard smiled politely.

"Only if everyone did that," Lord Alexander commented for Lord Nicholas to retort,

"Everyone has their own priorities and need to what to be done, Lord Alexander. We pick the best out of the lot," this seemed to have angered Lord Alexander.

Though Lord Nicholas was a few years older to Lord Alexander, they were given the position of the lordships around the same time of unfortunate events. As polite and gentleman-like Lord Nicholas appeared at the front, his methods of getting things done were harsh and inhuman, after all, he did hail from a pureblooded family. Not that Lord Alexander didn't but his methods were much sensible considered to the approach the Lord of Bonelake used.

"For a pureblooded vampire, you have stooped too low that I can hardly consider you to be one," replied Lord Alexander keeping the same calmness as before.

"I am a better version of the pureblood. You should try it," smiled Lord Nicholas.

Before they could keep going on with their husband and wife like banter, the head council, Reuben arrived.

"It is good to see both the Lords here," Reuben walked towards them. The head council began speaking to the two Lords and Leonard couldn't be more relieved to finally have the crosstalk to be stopped between Alexander and Nicholas.

"We haven't met before, Duke Leonard. I am Elliot Wells," the redhead man took the opportunity to introduce himself. The last name sounded familiar to him as they shook hands.

He gauged the man's features and said, "You must be related to Jerome Wells."

"I am. Jerome is my elder brother," the man offered him a pleasant smile, his bright red eyes stating that he was a regular vampire. He had heard about Elliot being the third in command when it came to handling the job affairs of the West. For a vampire who came from a low family, the man must be capable to take such a position next to the Lord.

"We live in a small world," remarked Leonard, keeping his words minimum as usual. Elliot's smile widened and he continued to keep the conversation alive.

"Did you know there are pieces of flesh that are being found in the town?" this seemed to catch Leonard's attention, "Looks like you do. I heard from one of the black witches that she encountered a creature that sheds skin like a snake. A skin that doesn't belong to its own. You don't talk much," he abruptly changed the talk.

"Not talking unnecessarily is my forte," Leo gave the redheaded man a look who took no offence to his words, "You mentioned about the black witch. Is she still around?" he saw Elliot shake his head.

Elliot lowered his voice, "Unlike others, witches, in general, aren't kept in prisons and are instead burnt on the spot. The information is always scarce."

"How is it that Jerome didn't join you in work?" Leonard enquired about Elliot's brother.

To this Elliot smiled, "He wants a life filled with peace and quiet, that's what he always pursued. Not that I didn't ask him," compared to his brother Jerome who at least a little polite, Elliot Wells was livelier with his intrusive eyes who wanted to know matters around him, "Something seems to be keeping him at Bonelake that he refuses to move. Hopefully, he does."

"Let's hope he does," agreed Leonard, the corner of his lips quirking up.

Once Lord Alexander, the man named Elliot and the head council walked away to discuss other matters, Lord Nicholas and Leonard made their way to where their carriage stood. As they walked Lord Nicholas asked,

"It seems that whatever is hunting the beings here is something we have never encountered. Maybe a visit to Valeria will do good," though Lord Nicholas was with the head council, he had also managed to eavesdrop on Leonard's conversation with Elliot.

"I plan to do that," he came to stand next to Nicholas' carriage with an impassive expression.

"What is it?"

"Uncle Sullivan visited last week."

"Doesn't he always?"

Leonard sighed, raising his hand to run it through his blonde hair, "He does but he doesn't know about Vivian yet."

"That sure is going to be a pickle if he finds her when you're away. Do you want me to watch over her?" at Lord Nicholas' offer, Leo's eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What's the matter? I won't kill her when you're gone. Unless she does anything unnecessary, she is most welcome at my mansion," the Lord added the last sentence with a smile.

"I think she's safer at my home than yours," Leonard's lips set into a thin line as Nicholas laughed.

"I was only joking. You are aware she will be the safest under my supervision. Bring her tomorrow,"

The Lord was the kind of person to chaperone anyone, not a young girl who was a human especially. For him to offer such an arrangement only showed the amount of soft corner he had over the Duke.

Lord Nicholas got into his carriage, "Let me think about it," replied Leonard, not giving the Lord a definite answer for now.

"Mhm. Leo..." spoke Lord Nicholas, stopping Leonard who was about to walk to his carriage, "Did Vivian mention anything after she returned back from the Rune mansion?"

"Nothing that I could remember. Why? Did you do something?" scowled Leonard with a displeased look, thinking the worst Nicholas could have done to her.

Lord Nicholas laughed, "I only introduced her to Toby," which was the truth.

"The damn bird. I shall take my leave now," muttered Leonard.

After the horses pulled the carriage away from the council, the smile that was on Lord Nicholas' lips slowly disappeared before a grave look took upon his features.

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