Bambi And The Duke

Chapter 241 - Evil Follows Evil- Part 2

~260 chapters updated until now, make sure to be up to date!~

"Like I said, under the edict of four hundred and twenty-four, the law states clearly that a councilman shall not take his anger and kill another councilman in the heat. If one needs to, the higher councilmen will hold a meeting before the court session to discuss the matter and then hold the person deserves it or not," said Lionel reading the book that was in front of him. One would think that the man had forgotten what the edict stated and was using the book to make sure he got the reference right, "This creature here," the man lifted his head to look down at the switcher who had posed to be Lancelot Knight, "He has been put under test by Doctor Murkh and the test has positive statements that he killed?three of our councilmen under our very nose."

Murmurs went around the room as they looked at the switcher who was bound like an animal where he couldn't move, he couldn't speak or not even hear as Vivian noticed something covering his ears.

"As you know, we lost one of our very fine men this morning,"?the councilman went on to speak. Vivian's eyes hovered over the crowd before it came to settle on the man who was responsible for all of this misfortune that had fallen upon people who had nothing to do with it. Creed, he was the one who had killed Isabelle, he was also the man who was involved with the switchers as well as the black witch. Yet he now sat there calm and composed.

Anger boiled in Vivian's blood. He had to be punished but Lancelot had once said that the man had left nothing behind. His record was clean and he had maintained it that way. Even if she would try doing something with it, it wouldn't damage him but her.

She didn't have time to explain Leo and neither could she explain the happenings and her findings...she didn't know how but she would fix it.

"To give justice to the dead it is clear that execution is the right decision for this deed. Does anyone have any objection?" asked Lionel to make sure the court was in sync and the decision could be taken forward.

"Councilman Lionel," Vivian spoke up for everyone to look at her, "I have something to say."

And before Lionel could turn annoyed, Lord Nicholas was the one to speak, "Lady Vivian, please take the position there so that you can speak," she nodded her head, internally thanking the man.

"What is it?" asked Lionel. The woman had interrupted him and had come here in such orthodox appearance which he didn't approve of one bit.

She could feel the sudden rush of blood in her body, trying to calm her nerves she looked up at the councilman, "The man in here has been accused to have killed three councilmen but in truth, it was only one whom he killed because he felt the need to be," murmurs filled the room.

"Silence," said Lionel, his eyes staring down at her, "He might have killed one or he might have killed hundreds of them. It doesn't change the fact that he killed a councilman or did you fail to read or hear the edict I just said now?"

"I heard it very clearly," she smiled where it didn't reach up to her eyes, "The edict states that if a councilman kills another councilman, it would be discussed before seeing if the man deserves to be punished. The very next to it stated if other creatures kills it, the same would be applied. You haven't given the man the opportunity to talk."

"There is nothing to talk here, Lady Vivian. What you suggest is letting go of a criminal," came the voice of her uncle from behind. She turned back to see the man who was related to her but she could feel nothing but angry on him. For the decisions, he had taken.

"Edict thirty-nine states that every person would be given the opportunity to speak," she reminded them. Vivian had spent days studying every single book in the presence of Leo that she could iterate every word from the books, "There have been more than one switcher on these lands that we walk-"

"How can you come to the conclusion? Have you met another?" came the question of another councilman who was sitting at the front.

"If there can be more than one vampire, one human or one black witch then why not more than one switcher?" she asked the man.

"Tell me, councilwoman Vivian. Whom do you think killed the other two if you claim that he only killed one? What proof do you hold that this man killed only one? Is it just Mr Knight?" Lionel took back to question her before their session would drift in another direction.

Leonard who had been listening to her speak could already feel where this court proceeding was going. Dutan wasn't here with her and it was only Hueren who had gone to take to stand on the back of the room. Something had happened that she had gone to change her clothes and they were his.

He knew Vivian well enough. He was the only one who had taken the time to understand her. From the core of her fibre to the last word she had uttered to him were only registered safely in his mind. If there was anyone important and above him, it was his beloved wife who now stood there in the middle of the court with courage.

She must have found something that was wronged and that was why she had taken the decision to speak her mind in front of the fools.

"The proof..." trailed Vivian for some of the men to smile smugly of what fool she had made of herself, "The proof that you seek of, I cannot give it here out in the open. Head councilman Reuben," Vivian turned to look at the half-blooded vampire who had been listening to her intently. For the man, it was the second time he had met a capable woman. The first one he had met no longer lived now.

"What rubbish," came the voice from the crowd where the lower graded councilmen stood and sat who felt offended that they were being asked to step out of the room.

"The court council proceeding is for everyone to look and hear."

"Why should we listen to a woman?"

Murmurs began in the room which turned chaotic until the head council raised his hand. That one single action was enough to get the room quiet.

"Lady Vivian," spoke the head councilman with a calm, serene voice showing that he wasn't offended with the suggestion for the others, "As a fellow councilman passed away in the morning. It is only fair that the rest know what had happened and why it happened. Unfortunately, everything has turned very dire. I would request you to bring your facts up here and every single one of them will be heard. The court is yours to take."

With a deep breath, Vivian inhaled and exhaled. Looking at Leo who gave her a nod and she felt a wave of relief wash over her. It didn't matter what others thought when she had the support she needed. The courtroom was silent, wondering what the woman had when she was only a junior who had joined the council for less than five months period of time. They had heard many rumours on how capable she was and now that they had the opportunity to see, the waited with their eyes open and ears leaning close to her.

Some were curious but many were jealous at the thought that a woman was trying to bring laurels to the courtroom instead of a male which hurt their pride and ego.

"Around this year, an accident had taken place when it came to bringing the black witches. They were called the Polimnents who were considered one of the dangerous covens of black witches who controlled other witches. Like a parent or a leader. During the time of their successful capture which was done by councilman Mathias team who is the one who operates in the land of Valeria they were asked to transport it back by another team. Back here to the council so that they could be dealt-" she was interrupted by Abel who came to question her,

"Councilwoman Vivian, why are we listening to something about black witches when the matter that lies in over hands is of the switchers?"

"There is a relation, councilman Abel. In fact, weren't you also responsible for delivering the black witches to the council. What happened that day? Didn't go to work or did you fall sick?" she asked him, her red eyes staring straight into his.

"That is a wild accusation you have in there, my lady. You should be careful of what you speak," he warned her, a smile still up his face.

"I only asked you the question, Sir. I don't remember accusing of anything unless you have done something which you haven't come out clean about."

Abel smiled until Lionel called the man, "Councilman why don't you join, councilwoman Vivian here."

"I would be delighted," and the pureblooded vampire came out of the throng to stand in front of her, "I had other work which was more important that day. And if you are going to check for it I believe the council has already gone through the court proceeding when the event to place."

Vivian smiled back, bitterness forming in her mouth, "True. If the court has already gone through it once, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to get the answers, would it?"

"Ask me anything you want," the man kept his poker face on.

She nodded her head, pleased to hear that he was ready to speak about it without trying to escape from the matter which she wanted to check with him, "What was more pressing that you had to leave the witches when it was the priority back in that time?"

"I was called by councilman Creed. He wanted me to go solve the dispute that was being caused between the two villages due to the water draught," he answered.

"You said you come from Valeria, yes?" seeing him nod she continued, "Draught isn't that uncommon in some of the villages unless it is the time of rain."

"That is right," he agreed.

"Mr. Doghlous," Vivian turned to pick a man from the crowd. The councilman looked startled but nonetheless he stood up from his seat in attention, "Do you remember the case which you worked during the same period of time. It was a case of the drowning children where many had fallen into the water. Could you please tell me if it right?"

Almost everyone in the room didn't know where this was going and what was the necessity to have a case which was closed years ago to be reopened. The woman had not even asked direct permission for it and had started to speak on it. And no matter how irrelevant it seemed, everyone was intrigued with the case that was taking place. It was very rare for the council to reopen a case which was closed in the past.

The man cleared his throat, "Due to heavy rain in the locality, the water bodies had increased and some children and women who had gone there had been washed out.?Yes, it was a few days before this high profile case came to notice about the witches who fled," he answered her in a rush before sitting back.

"Thank you," she turned to look back at Abel whose smile had begun to slip but he tried to keep up with the facade he had put, "Which part of Valeria are you talking about to have draught? Because if we all know about the land of Valeria, like Bonelake the water bodies are connected which would make it highly unlikely for any land around to have draught."

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