While Haruki was off to handle Margarette, Asuka too was standing in front of Riley ready to purge the non-existent curse. In the distance, however, she could through her sharpened senses hear voices muttering and howling from Margarette's room. Taken by rage, she couldn't be too bothered by what methods Haruki was using to bring Margarette down to her knees.

'I wanna tear this idiot open for hurting master.' Clenching her teeth she gulped down her rage. Even though Riley had apologized numerous times it wasn't enough in Asuka's eyes, and thus she had a devious plan for revenge.

Moving closer to Riley laying down on his stomach with his head buried in the pillows, Asuka activated body disfiguration and held her hand over his spine. Stripped to his shorts, Riley was forced down to his underwear with a promise for the swifter exile of the curse from his body.

"Body disfiguration," Asuka whispered under her breath, making sure Riley wouldn't pick up what she was saying.

Looking over at his head and ears buried in shame, she felt certain that he hadn't heard a thing.

'This will do for now.' As began to pour mana into him, Riley jumped from shock. Once again shot with sudden arousal his body writhed from the sensation, and his gaping mouth groaned against the pillow.

That shot of euphoric pleasure didn't last long, however, as it was quickly replaced by an overflow of mana directly into his groin. Squeezed inward, Riley's guts felt as though they were being gutted open like a fish's stomach. Attempting to power through the pain, he bit down on the pillow to keep himself from fainting.

Moments passed as he struggled through the unbearable torture. Toiling around his body grew tired and his muscles turned sore. By the time the pain fled away, he was left panting on the bed with his mind broken in shambles.

"That should be enough for the night, we still have one more day to go," saying that Asuka watched Riley lose consciousness before making her way out through the door.

It was just the pain she had left him with, the pain was simply a by-product of emasculating Riley of his strength, namely his manhood as well as his twig-like muscles. She knew her actions were bound to cause an uproar, but the mental image of her master's arm bleeding left her with little sympathy toward Riley.

'Dolls are mostly girls anyways.' With no intention of reversing the damage, Asuka made her way back to her assigned bedroom.


At the crack of dawn, the demonic spies were ordered to lick Margarette's blood and guts off the floor. Watching her laying naked with her clothes torn up, Haruki kept glaring at her while being in Snow's form. Her hands thrown to the side, Margarette laid there looking up lifelessly with her eyes unblinking. The horror of the night had broken her mind completely and turned her into a motionless puppet.

"How long are you gonna stay like that?" Getting off the bed, his voice brought her back to the land of the living.

As she squinted her eyes, tears began to flow down her face like a broken dam. Walking up closer to her, he grabbed her arm and violently pulled her up. Shocked further, she began to hiss while trying to control her tears.

"Next time you send any of your assassins after me, I'll be sending a dragon to incinerate your kingdom," Leaning into her ear, he warned.

With no intention to oppose him any longer, she simply nodded her head. Taking a step away from her, he gave her body a quick look. Naked to the skin, she appeared like a goddess of fertility. Wide hips, plentiful breasts, and an alluring curve to her overall body, it all came together to become the woman of every man's dreams.

"Clone: Target, Snow Frost," activating yet another newly acquired ability, Haruki made a perfect clone of Snow's body.

Staring in shock, Margarette's mouth gaped open at the sight. The clone was so identical to the real thing that she couldn't tell who was the real one.

"I'm not in the mood for sexual conduct, go ahead and use him," pointing to the clone, he ordered Margarette to have it spread its seed inside of her. "I still need you to become my servant and for that this step is important so don't mess it up."

Assuming how he gained the level from Margarette through the demonic spies, Haruki was expecting his clone to be able to turn her into a servant in his stead.

'I need to experiment a lot more with my abilities anyways, so this might be a good start.' Thinking about checking on Asuka, Haruki made his way to the door but was stopped by Margarette calling him from behind.

"Wait! At least tell me who you are! You can't be that sickly boy I thought you were," her hands drawn over her chest, she was still trying to protect her heart in case Haruki assaulted her with the spies again. "And…can I just do it with my mouth? I don't think I can handle sex after…"

Reminded of the bloody horrors that were sure to haunt her for the rest of her life, Margarette flinched at the thought of living it even through memories.

"Haruki Shin, that's my name, I doubt you've heard it. I used to live far off to the edge of Atlas," taking a moment to reminisce about his village, a warm smile crept over his face. "As for the rest, the clone will feed all my memories into you the moment you become my servant."

Leaving it at that, he left the two in the room to carry out the conversion ritual in whatever way they deemed fit.

'The carnage…It was a feast to the eyes, no wonder the demons crave the misery of others.' Being swayed by his thoughts, he began to come up with other means to torture his victims. 'With Margarette's rejuvenation skill soon to be mine, there would be no end to torturous possibilities.'

Elated by the idea of a dungeon filled with blood, screams, and agony, Haruki was off on his way to check up on Asuka.

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