Absolute Depravity: Reincarnated with a lustful System

Chapter 49 49 - A Game Of Morality And Questions

Right before nightfall, Margarette was standing in front of the guest room door. She had promised Riley to take care of the duke, but with her sudden spike in libido being around any man was too much for her to handle. Even now as she stood there contemplating whether to knock, the folds of her slits were itching to be touched.

'What the hell has been happening to me?!' drawing her hand back from the door, she bit her lips to drown her lust. 'I'll come back later.'

Watching her go back to her room with the help of his demonic spy, Haruki was laying down on the bed with Asuka sitting right beside him.

"Another potion downed, I doubt she can resist the conversion after the third," mumbling to himself, he began to plan his next move.

"Master, it's your turn," moving a piece on the chessboard, Asuka seemed content with her move.

Bringing his attention back to the game, Haruki's mind wandered off again before making his move. Noticing the pondering stance with a thumb under his chin, Asuka knew something was brewing inside his mind.

"Master, can I tell you something?" She whispered hoping he wouldn't hear her.

"What is it?" He answered regardless.

"What do you plan to do once you've gathered that army of lust demons that Asmodia wants?" Her eyes uncertain braced for his answer.

Haruki had no idea why she would ask such a question out of the blue, but that was only because he himself was unaware of a part of the demon lord he was carrying inside him. Trying to think through the question, he huffed out an exasperated sigh.

"I might just become Laria's permanent ruler," part of him wanted to commit atrocities, kill thousands, plunder the weak, and even drain the land of all of its bounty, and yet the sane part of him kept those urges in check, for now.

"Will she allow it?" Without even taking her name, Haruki knew who Asuka was talking about.

"I doubt it, but that's why I have to get stronger," feeding himself those lies, even he knew the plan had little hope of being effective.

Finally making a move on the board, he wore a smile while looking at her. In response, she smiled warmly before looking down at the board again. Having just recently started learning the game neither of them was proficient in chess, however, it often gave them some leisure time to just talk to each other.

"Back at the castle, I heard Snow's father took you in, was that true?" scraping at the delicate matter, Haruki knew the question would flare up some emotions.

Stopping herself from picking up a piece to move, Asuka drew her hand back from the board.

"Yes, he did, master Snow asked him to," Her eyes moving nervously told a bitter-sweet story. "Although now, I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not."

"We met because of that unfortunate event, so what do you make of it?" Picking up the teacup, Haruki kept his smile up.

"When you put it like that, then I'd count it as a blessing," letting out a chuckle she finally made another move

'I wish that was my blood.' She thought, glaring at the cup in Haruki's hands.

"Do you ever feel weird, master? Like your demonic side trying to make you do or think weird stuff?" She asked, tilting her head.

Taking a quick sip, he placed the cup back into the coaster. Leaning forward, he began to move his hand around the board as he contemplated his next move.

"Yes, it does, just don't listen to it," Haruki answered while making his next move.

"Why?" She asked her tone devoid of any emotions.

"You know why, our morality is already slipping, and the moment we let those thoughts win, we might just lose everything that makes us who we are," this wasn't the first time she had brought up the conversation, and every time Haruki's answer remained unchanged. "Also, your king is in check."

Looking down, she found her king cornered by a queen and a rook. The game after that point went on for a while with Asuka trying to protect her king from the two pieces. Locked into a corner, however, the game ended up in her checkmate.

"I lost again," she huffed out a giggle. "Two against one, perhaps we can corner her just like these two pieces cornered my king?"

As those words fell on Haruki's ears, his eyes turned violet for a brief second. It served Asuka as a reminder to not try and feed Haruki with such ideas.

"Nevermind…" she mumbled her eyes down casted in fear.

"There might be a way to stop this," hearing those words, Asuka's eyes widened in shock. "I remember Snow mentioning something about finding a new body for himself, perhaps, when it's all said and done and I've had my revenge, we can turn back into humans, or in your case into a demi-human fox."

"That sounds too good to be true," she whispered back.

"It is," slapping his hand on his thigh, Haruki propped himself up on his feet. "Anyway, I think we both should get to work, Margarette and Riley both are in their rooms now."

She opened her mouth to inquire further, but then stopped. Right now was not the time, especially when they were nowhere near their end goal. To get there, they had to acquire the demon army that Asmodia so desperately wants.

"Okay…" getting off the stool, she got up and looked up at Haruki.

Wrapping her hands around him, she snuggled into his neck.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing," she lied. With the thought of Asmodia being so much closer to him, she felt a zealous rage with no outline in sight.

'She's been acting quite strange recently, I wonder what's going on in her head.' Giving her a head pat, he comforted whatever worries she had.

Soon after, Asuka left the room and was off on her way to purge Riley's curse. Left behind with no company, Haruki too got ready to invade Margarette's dream, but this time with a lot more things to do in mind.

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