Book 22 Chapter 1 - History’s Mystery

Xiang Shaolong sat cross-legged on the floor, allowing Xiao Yuetan who is kneeling behind him to work on his hair.

This old friend smirked, “I may be proficient in all methods of disguise but the practical application is rather limited. Now that I can put my expertise to good use on you is a rare occasion indeed.”

Pausing, he continued, “I have your hair tied up in a different style and dyed several spots white, making you look several years older.”

Xiang Shaolong is uncomfortable with it, “Does that mean I cannot wash my hair?”

Xiao Yuetan proudly proclaimed, “My personally crafted dye mixture cannot be washed off easily. But to be safe, we can re-dye from time to time.”

He added, “We will reach the waters of Lin Zi in a few days. Your biggest challenge presently is to alter the way you speak. You cannot re-use the speaking manner you used while you were disguised as Dong Horse Fanatic. Let’s train you to stutter and foolproof your disguise.”

Xiang Shaolong confessed, “I will be lying if I say I am not worried. My biggest fear is my enemies recognizing me from my body build.”

Xiao Yuetan burst out laughing, “Qi is originally part of Dongyi Tribe. The tribesmen are taller and have a bigger built than the average person. There may not be many men who are as tall as Shaolong but there is unquestionably a considerable amount. All Shaolong has to do is to act a little hunch-backed and not walk with your head raised and chest puffed. That should prevent people from identifying you through your body build.”

Recalling that the people of Qi are the modern Shandong (China Province) people, famous for their height and build, Xiang Shaolong was relieved.

Xiao Yuetan took a glance at the sky through the cabin window and murmured, “The sky is brightening and we have chatted the entire night but I can only feel myself becoming more and more energized. I haven’t been so happy for a long time. Since Lu Buwei tried to kill us, I...”

Noticing Xiang Shaolong’s solemn expression, he apologized, “I shouldn’t have brought this up. Ai! Thinking about it always gives me insomnia.”

Xiang Shaolong concluded, “The day of Crown Prince Coronation will be the same day Lu Buwei dies a horrible death. This is a fact that nobody can change.”

Xiao Yuetan obviously did not understand the full meaning of his historical prediction. He reminded, “Shaolong must not let your guard down. Lu Buwei has been in power for so long in Qin. He will not give up without a fight and watch passively as his authority dissipates into thin air.”

He softly confided, “On this trip to Qi, I harboured the possibility of assassinating him to avenge Third Princess (Zhao Qian) and myself. Now that Shaolong is here with me, I am confident that we can succeed.”

Xiang Shaolong is in a difficult position, because it is stated clearly in history books that Lu Buwei died in Qin during Xiao Pan’s coronation. Any attempts to kill him in Lin Zi will surely end up in failure.

He naturally cannot divulge this and suggested instead, “We need to plan this in detail but I am not satisfied for him to die just like that. I want to personally destroy all that he has built and accumulated, piece by piece, as if I am cutting flesh from his body bit by bit. Only then will I be able to placate the hatred in my heart.”

Xiao Yuetan nodded, “I can see where you are coming from. Ha! I’m done. Your resemblance to Xiang Shaolong is getting lesser and lesser! Wait till I get a bronze mirror to show you your new look. While there is still some time left, let’s catch up on some sleep.”

Barely asleep for an hour, Xiang Shaolong was awakened by the sound of the door opening. With the little light shining in the cabin just before sunrise, he peeped and saw Yun Niang slipping in. After she has determined Xiao Yuetan’s bed, she snaked into his blankets. What speedily followed were sounds of Xiao Yuetan’s playful protest, which was again quickly replaced by sounds of kissing.

Xiang Shaolong was amused. If not for Xiao Yuetan’s coming, he will be the one Yun Niang is passionately kissing now.

He realized the importance of one’s status in society.

When he used to be high ranking and held in importance, coupled with his good looks, he could effortlessly sweep women off their feet and won the hearts of many beauties.

With his current beggarly looks and lowly manager status, his attractiveness to women has largely declined.

Despite sounds of teasing and flirtation coming from the other bed, his mind is as calm as still water. He soon fell into deep slumber, having a good time with his wives and son in faraway Xianyang.

Incredibly, it was Xiao Yuetan who woke him up instead.

It was well into the day. Xiang Shaolong has been getting plenty of rest on this trip so even with just four short hours of rest; he can still start his day without any signs of tiredness. Witnessing Xiao Yuetan’s highly invigorated countenance, he was astounded, “I thought you would still be fast asleep.”

Xiao Yuetan awkwardly explained, “This woman is really desperate. Fortunately, the more women I make love to, the more revitalized I am. The ship is reaching the pier soon. I will send someone to deliver a secret message to Xianyang (City) Master Tu (Xian). Relax! Master and I communicate in a secret code. Even if the message falls into the wrong hands, the enemy will not be able to understand it.”

Climbing out of his warm blankets, Xiang Shaolong cheered, “I have complete trust in your abilities.”

Both men got to work after getting dressed.

Sure enough, the ship docked shortly at the pier. This is Xiang Shaolong’s first time carrying out his duties as the General Manager. Luckily, Feng Fei sent her serving maid Little Ping’er to assist him. Little Ping’er is still dressed as a boy and together; they headed ashore to purchase supplies.

Except for food rations, other items procured included silk cloth and make up ingredients. They were kept busy for more than half a day and finally returned to the ship at sundown.

Throughout the day, Little Ping’er treated Xiang Shaolong in a rude and arrogant manner. Xiang Shaolong is not the least bit upset, as he believes that she is treating him simply as the lowly manager, which he is.

Riding back to the ship on their horses, Little Ping’er who was initially riding ahead slowed down her horse and was now riding beside Xiang Shaolong. She courteously advised, “Mistress (Feng Fei) wants me to remind you that although you have been promoted to Manager, you must not be complacent and watch your own behavior. Don’t follow Zhang Quan or Sa Li’s negative example and ruin the good standing of our Song & Dance Troupe.”

Xiang Shaolong was flabbergasted, “Your servant (polite way of saying I) does not comprehend what Sister is referring to.”

Little Ping’er pouted her lips and coldly snorted, “You should know what you did. Someone reported seeing Yun Niang enter your room last night. Mister Tan is a man of integrity, a gentleman. This incident certainly has nothing to do with him. Humph! How dare you deny it after you have hooked up with her.”

Xiang Shaolong was speechless.

He could not betray Xiao Yuetan and stain his prestigious reputation in the eyes of Feng Fei. He kept quiet and allowed himself to be his sacrificial lamb.

With a face full of scorn, Little Ping’er ignored him and rode ahead of him once again.

After having his dinner, Xiang Shaolong returned to his cabin. Xiao Yuetan was sitting on his bed, focusing on mixing his dye. He updated, “After spending several hours searching, I finally acquired these ingredients. I am planning to darken your facial skin, making you appear more rough and coarse.”

Xiang Shaolong sat down beside him and laughed, “Do you know I just became a scapegoat for you?”

Xiao Yuetan was stunned, “What happened?”

Xiang Shaolong repeated Little Ping’er’s accusation word for word.

After a moment’s examination, Xiao Yuetan snickered, “That haughty youngster is plain jealous! Shaolong is really charismatic to cause her such anxiety.”

Xiang Shaolong groaned, “Brother Xiao must be joking!”

Xiao Yuetan articulated, “Shaolong is a wise man and I did not expect you to foolishly fall into her cunning trap. Think about it! The weather is freezing nowadays. Everyone will be fast asleep at 4am in the morning; why would there be anyone around and coincidentally seeing Yun Niang entering our room with his or her own eyes. It must be Yun Niang’s personal maid who discovered her Mistress (Yun Niang) leaving her bedroom and told the pretty tomboy about it. She must have guessed that Yun Niang has come for you and tested your reaction. She has found out the truth except that she nailed the wrong guy.”

Xiang Shaolong lost his tongue.

Xiao Yuetan guffawed, “Except for Feng Fei, what good standing is there in the Song & Dance Troupe? Do you believe Feng Fei doesn’t know about my trysts with Yun Niang? I am a famous playboy after all. That green-eyed monster Ping’er deliberately used Feng Fei’s name to put you down!”

Xiang Shaolong gritted his teeth, “One of these days I am going to give her a taste of her own medicine.”

Xiao Yueten chuckled, “The best medicine is served under the blankets. Use you manhood to conquer her.”

Xiang Shaolong exhaled, “I am not in the mood for relationships right now. But I’ll definitely make trouble for her to appease my anger. Moreover, I can tell that she detests me.”

Xiao Yuetan disagreed, “She will not approach you with that reminder if she is not concerned about you. You are an expert with women yourself and should know that a woman’s heart is irrational. The more they seek to irritate you, the more they adore you.”

Xiang Shaolong does not want to continue this discussion. Changing the topic, he queried, “Why didn’t I see your companions coming back to the ship?”

Xiao Yuetan answered, “Are you referring to Zongsun Heji and the others? I tricked them into going back to my ship, just in case they start becoming suspicious about our close relationship. To be honest, I used the same trick as Little Ping’er, using Feng Fei’s name to scare them away.”

Looking at each other, both men burst out laughing at the same time.

Xiao Yuetan carefully hid the freshly grounded dye mixture into his luggage chest and clapped his hands, inviting, “Feng Fei is having a rehearsal tonight and has requested me to give her some pointers. Care to come along?”

Xiang Shaolong lay down in his bed, dismissing, “If I don’t see you later tonight, I will know you are in Yun Niang’s room.”

Xiao Yuetan shook his head smilingly and left.

Music was soon heard playing in the upper decks but Xiang Shaolong was doing some deep reflections instead.

After countless trials and tribulations, he eventually still cannot avoid making a trip to Qi. He wondered if the trip will be beneficial for him or is he heading for another disaster

The Warring States are Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Han and Qin. Except for the capitals of Yan and Han, he has stepped foot in the others.

On his return trip to Qin, Xiao Yuetan may well take him through the capital of Han. Thus, he probably has no fate with the capital of Yan.

He recalled Prince Dan from Yan as well as all the Lords from other States that he has met before. The last face he envisioned is the ‘pretty face’ of Lord Longyang. Unknowingly, he was losing the urge to sleep.

The ship will continue sailing tomorrow morning. He wondered if he would meet this ‘traitorous’ friend in Lin Zi.

In these war-ridden times, everyone is fighting for the country or Lord he is loyal to. Even he is of no exception.

To a certain extent, Xiang Shaolong is loyal to history. He is charting his life to be as accurate to history as he can.

All these events and circumstances have been lined up by the hands of Fate. Xiang Shaolong is basically executing the will of Fate.

Here comes the golden question!

Without him, will History be the same?

Logically, history will be altered. At least there is no way Xiao Pan can become Qin Shihuang without his intervention.

Without Qin Shihuang, China may never be unified.

Such an ambitious man like Qin Shihuang does not often appear in the history of China.

He strongly disputed the fact that Qin can unite China without Qin Shihuang.

To be fair, he is a time traveller who already knew the future. His judgment may be biased.

A simple change can determine victory or defeat.

If Qin does not possess men of talent like Wang Jian, Li Si and even himself, conquering the other Six States will remain a dream and never a reality.

If this is the case, why wasn’t Xiang Shaolong a historical figure?

Thinking about this, he broke out into cold sweat.

When he used to ponder about this issue, it was normally envisaged in a fleeting moment.

Currently, he has nobody to distract him and he was bored to tears thus he can contemplate more profoundly about this issue.

He did suggest to Xiao Pan to forget everything about himself (Xiang Shaolong) because he was afraid of something even more horrendous.

When it comes to the day when Xiao Pan thought of this on his own without Xiao Shaolong’s suggestion, it would mean the end of him (Xiang Shaolong).

At the end of the day, the only obstacle to Xiao Pan’s ascension to the throne is his Zhao origin.

The intelligent Lu Buwei knows part of the secret and will only get more suspicious when Xiao Pan totally disregarded him as his father.

Thinking back to the occasion when he did a blood test between Xiao Pan and Lu Buwei, proving to (Qin General) Lu Gong & Company that they are not father and son, it was indeed an earth-shattering feat in the eyes of (Master) Tu Xian. The secret is another loophole for Xiao Pan and has to be protected from Lu Buwei at all costs.

Thinking about it, he shook with fear.

Only Zhu Ji and himself know the location of the family who raised Yingzheng (Zhu Ji’s son). If Zhu Ji ever shares this information with Lao Ai, Xiao Pan’s life will be critically endangered.

Judging from Xiao Pan’s character, he will not allow anyone to challenge his authority.

He may not kill himself (Xiang Shaolong).

But what about Zhu Ji?

Knock! Knock!

Knocking was heard on the cabin door.

Xiang Shaolong sat up in surprise. “Who it it?” he demanded.


The door swings open.

A serving maid entered his cabin and joyfully greeted, “Hello Manager Shen! Going to bed already?”

Xiang Shaolong recognised her as courtesan Zhu Xiuzhen’s personal maid Little Ning. Just barely yesterday was she trying to chase him out of the ship’s hall and now she is all smiling, friendly and sweet. Puzzled, he questioned, “What can I do for Sister Ning?”

With her small mouth curved in a cute smile, Little Ning sat down beside him and smiled, “I am here to seek your forgiveness. Wow! Manager Shen is really sleeping so early?”

Witnessing her intimate behavior, Xiang Shaolong became wary and officially state, “Doesn’t Sister Ning have to wait on Mistress Zhu Xiuzhen?”

Inching closer, Little Ning flirted, “I am here on Mistress’s orders. Ai! This trip is so lonesome. I wouldn’t mind some company myself.”

Xiang Shaolong frowned, “Why is your Mistress looking for me?”

Little Ning cheekily replied, “Can you please don’t treat me like your enemy? Hee hee! But you look very domineering when you are angry and it is very appealing to me. How I wish I can let you punish me and let you do whatever you want to me.”

Xiang Shaolong is a man after all and could not help but feel aroused. He scrutinized this maid from top to toe.

She is positively below eighteen and her looks are average. Nonetheless, her long lashes, seductive eyes, jutting breasts, slim waist, long legs and her good skin complexion is a big draw for him. He can start to feel some temptation for her.

Just as he was deliberating whether to hug her into in his arms, he also felt that it was an inappropriate gesture and was in a dilemma. Before he can make up his mind, Little Ning revealed, “Unfortunately, it is Mistress who has eyes for you. I can only wait until she is done with you.”

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback, he stuttered, “Your Mistress,...”

Little Ning nodded, “You should know which room belongs to Mistress. Tonight after midnight, she will be waiting for you in her room. You just have to push the door to enter. Hee! After the deed is done, you must not forget my effort in bringing the two of you together!”

She slipped out after she finished talking.

Xiang Shaolong sat there like an idiot.

In terms of looks, Zhu Xiuzhen comes in third after Feng Fei and Dong Suzhen within the Song & Dance Troupe. She usually stares at him with such hatred and contempt. In reality, she is masking her affections from him.

This is a one-night stand initiated by her, should he take up her offer?

If Feng Fei hears about it, what would she think of him?

Ever since leaving Xianyang (City), except for a session with Qiuling in Daliang (Capital of Wei), Xiang Shaolong has been leading a celibate and lonely life. With his current cozy environment and his sexual desires re-ignited by the wanton woman Yun Niang, he is intuitively aroused when a dazzling courtesan offers him such an opportunity.

All his sleepiness vanished into thin air.

Needless to say, this eye catching Little Ning must be sharing Zhu Xiuzhen’s cabin bedroom. If he took up the invitation, he may well end up in a threesome.

He suddenly felt guilty and embarrassed.

Back at home, the Talented Lady Ji and the others are worried sick for him and yet he is here having a good time with other women. How can he face his own conscience if he went ahead with his trysts?

He did not have a choice when he made love to Qiuling but he absolutely has no justification if he wants to make love to Zhu Xiuzhen.

He hardened his resolve and lay down once again onto his bed, covering himself with his blanket.

Xiao Yuetan happened to come back to the room this minute, humming a tune happily.

Xiang Shaolong was piqued, “Why would Yun Niang be willing to release you?”

Xiao Yuetan absentmindedly danced a few steps and responded, “This is one of my beliefs when it comes to taking care of my health. We cannot do without sex but we cannot go overboard with it too. Let me tell you something new. Dong Shuzen is implying to me that she is open to a relationship with me and hinted that I can also have her ‘sister’ Zhu Xiuzhen as well. Looks like they have a favour to ask of me.”

Hearing this, Xiang Shaolong turned quiet and became disinterested.

It is apparent that Zhu Xiuzhen is a free for all.

Seeing that Xiang Shaolong has something on his mind, Xiao Yuetan pondered for a while before asking, “You having trouble sleeping?”

Xiang Shaolong sighed, “I was about to fall asleep but I was awakened by someone!”

Xiao Yuetan sat down and probed him for the reason.

After Xiang Shaolong finished telling his story, Xiao Yuetan reflected on it and abruptly exclaimed, “What a close shave! This is definitely a trap!”

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