"You don't know what's going on here, we can't allow this battle to continue!" Chen Yang said in an urgent voice as he pressed Hu Bi's arm down and attempted to leave by force.

"Don't forget the rules! Once an arena battle commences, it can't be ended prematurely under any circumstances! Are you trying to go against the city lord’s rules just because you don't want to lose your woman to me?" Hu Bi countered in an enraged voice.

Chen Yang calmed down slightly upon hearing this, and he brushed Hu Bi's arm aside as he said in a cold voice, "I'm going to see the city lord right now."

"You can do whatever please, but the city lord isn't going to break his own rules for anyone," Hu Ni said with a cold sneer as he withdrew his arm.

Chen Yang paid no heed to him as he rushed out of the VIP booth.

At this point, some of the spectators in the stands had finally identified the fact that they were seeing a dual pupil Tiger Scaled Beast.

Everyone was left feeling rather flabbergasted by this unexpected turn of events, and they weren't sure if they should continue cheering for the human or jump ship to support the Tiger Scaled Beast.

At the same time, some people were beginning to feel a little sympathetic toward Han Li.

The horned man that had bet on Han Li had already fallen onto his backside with a despairing look on his face, while the green-skinned man who had been mocking him this entire time had a wide smile on his face, feeling very much vindicated.

As for Han Li himself, he was observing his opponent with an apprehensive look on his face.

As soon as this second set of pupils appeared, the Tiger Scaled Beast's aura was instantly elevated to a whole new level.

Han Li leaned forward slightly while stepping back to adopt a simple fist stance as he stared intently at the dual pupil Tiger Scaled Beast.

Having already been beaten to within an inch of its life earlier, the Tiger Scaled Beast had learned not to charge recklessly at Han Li. Instead, it was baring its fangs as it snarled menacingly at him.

Right at this moment, the Tiger Scaled Beast suddenly shrugged its shoulders forward, and a string of cracks and pops rang out as countless scales flew off its body before hurtling toward Han Li like a volley of arrows.

In response, Han Li dug his rear foot into the ground, and he instantly vanished from the spot, only to reappear to the left of the storm of scales an instant later.

However, the Tiger Scaled Beast seemed to have already anticipated this, and it appeared before Han Li in the blink of an eye before biting down toward his head.

Han Li immediately crouched down to just barely duck under the scaled beast's cavernous mouth.

Immediately thereafter, he sprang up into the air before throwing a vicious punch upward.

A dull thump rang out as the Tiger Scaled Beast was thrown to the side by the force of Han Li's punch, but after delivering the blow, Han Li's fist was trembling incessantly, and all of his fingers aside from his middle and index fingers were riddled with bleeding gashes.

However, he didn't seem to have noticed this at all, and he continued to stare intently at the Tiger Scaled Beast while rushing after it in pursuit, aiming to land a lethal blow, but before he could reach the Tiger Scaled Beast, it had already recovered from the punch.

After taking a moment to steady itself, it unleashed another barrage of scales at Han Li, forcing him to roll to the side to evade the attack.

Immediately thereafter, all of the profound acupoints on his legs lit up in unison, and he launched himself at the Tiger Scaled Beast's head from the side.

The scaled beast didn't back down in the slightest as it opened its mouth to bite down at Han Li, but this time, Han Li took no evasive measures.

Instead, he raised a fist before slamming it forcefully into the ground.

Thanks to the impact that his fist made against the ground, Han Li was able to launch himself several dozen feet into the air, thereby allowing him to evade the Tiger Scaled Beast's spear-like fangs.

He then stepped onto the Tiger Scaled Beast's nose and attempted to charge at its glabella once again, but as soon as his foot left the scaled beast's nose, it suddenly ducked its head to the side, forcing a misstep from Han Li.

Unable to fly, Han Li couldn't change directions in mid-air, so he could only step down toward the Tiger Scaled Beast's cheek.

However, before his foot was able to land on the scaled beast's face, three of its whiskers suddenly began sweeping toward him like a set of sharp longswords.

The whiskers seemed to be enveloped in a layer of starlight, making them incredibly sharp, and they were threatening to tear Han Li's body to shreds.

In this dire situation, Han Li joined the index and middle fingers of his right hand, then reached out to press them against the Tiger Scaled Beast's uppermost whisker, causing the whisker to bend downward.

Before the other two whiskers could reach him, he pushed down onto the uppermost whisker to propel himself further up into the air.

The spectators in the stands instantly erupted into raucous cheers upon seeing this, but Han Li paid no heed to their thunderous voices as he swiveled around in mid-air, ultimately landing beside the Tiger Scaled Beast's left ear as opposed to on top of its glabella.

He immediately grabbed onto the Tiger Scaled Beast's ear, then aimed a kick right into its earhole.

At the same time, he channeled his Great Universe Origin Arts and Wingform Ascension Arts in unison and focused all of his power into that single kick.

A loud thump rang out as the Tiger Scaled Beast's head snapped to the right, causing its entire body to sway in the same direction.

Han Li fell out of the scaled beast's ear with half of his body drenched in blood, and after landing on the ground, he stumbled momentarily before falling backward.

As for the Tiger Scaled Beast, it swayed from side to side momentarily in an unsteady fashion before also falling to the ground.

Blood was gushing out of his left ear and his eye sockets, and his aura had become even more feeble than before.

"What the hell? Both of them are down, who wins here?"

The spectator stands had erupted into a thunderous commotion, but only a small number of people were cheering for Li Feiyu, while the rest were urging the Tiger Scaled Beast to devour its opponent.

Even though Han Li had put on a spectacular show for them, most of the spectators had bet on the Tiger Scaled Beast, so they were still rooting for it to emerge victorious.

Amid the chorus of raucous cheers, the Tiger Scaled Beast was the first to get up from the ground, and even though its vision was already blurry with blood, it still began trudging unsteadily toward Han Li.

However, it was only able to stagger three steps forward before collapsing to the ground once again, and its head landed directly in front of Han Li.

Han Li's brows were tightly furrowed, and he fought back the excruciating pain in his leg as he struggled to his feet, then trudged arduously onto the Tiger Scaled Beast's head.

He sat down on top of the scaled beast's glabella, then injected what little power he had left into the two fingers that his Flower Branch domain had been refined into before plunging them down into the Tiger Scaled Beast's head.

After a series of repeated blows, a fist-sized hole was smashed into the Tiger Scaled Beast's glabella, and Han Li reached inside before pulling out a fist-sized purple beast core.

A pleased smile appeared on his face as he felt the abundant starpower within the beast core, and he didn't even bother to wipe the blood from it before swallowing it whole.

The spectator stands were silent for a moment, immediately following which a wave of thunderous cheers rang out.

The horned man was chortling with glee as he turned to the green-skinned man beside him and yelled, "I did it, son! I'm rich!"


Inside the city lord's manor.

Du Qingyang was standing in front of his desk with one hand clasped behind his back while massaging a pair of beast bones in his other hand.

After a brief silence, he turned around to face Chen Yang and said, "It's fine, I'm already aware of all of this. In fact, I personally issued the order for his opponent to be replaced with that Tiger Scaled Beast."

"But City Lord Du, there's no way that Li Feiyu will be able to defeat that dual pupil Tiger Scaled Beast. If he dies in this battle, then his true spirit bloodline will go to waste," Chen Yang said in an urgent manner.

"If he dies, then so be it. I know what I'm doing. This is not something for you to be concerned about, you can go now," Du Qingyang said as he waved a dismissive hand.

Chen Yang duly obliged and departed.

By the time he returned to the arena, all of the spectators were already beginning to leave, and everyone was still looking very excited as they discussed the riveting battle that they had just witnessed.

Upon re-entering the VIP booth, he was greeted by the sight of Hu Bi with an arm wrapped around the woman, and he already had one hand slipped down the front of her robes.

The woman was unable to break free from Hu Bi's iron grip, so she could only turn to Chen Yang with a pitiable look on her face.

Chen Yang's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, then turned his gaze to the arena.

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