The Devil's Sleeping Beauty

The Devil's Sleeping Beauty
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Shehad always thought that he was a devil in human flesh. She feared himand hated him for the sins he committed but after seeing how much hechanged to be a better person for her, it took her a great amount ofcourage to forgive him since by the time she found out the truth abouthim, she had already loved him.
Frombeing the worst husband and father to the best husband and father onecan ever have. Lu Yifeng was given a second chance to correct everywrong deed he did. He was the man who destroyed their family and it tookdeath to make him realize his wrongdoings.
"Meilin, come here."
She turned to her husband and smiled, "Mr. Lu, we are at work, didn’t we already agreed to behave while we’re here?"
"I want to have an affair with my secretary." Lu Yifeng said calmly.
"Can I?"
Xia Meilin narrowed her eyes, "No."
Hestood up and walked toward her which made Xia Meilin take a few stepsbackward away from him when she saw the dangerous look on Lu Yifeng’seyes. She stopped when she felt the cold wall against her back.
LuYifeng ended up cornering her. "I’m the President of this company, I dowhatever I want to do, including having an affair with my secretary."
Xia Meilin refused to back down that’s why she ended up glaring at him. "Do you want to get beat up by your wife?"
Theside of his lips curled up into a smirk, "Will she now?" He cupped herchin and bowed his head to place a soft kiss on her lips. "Then stopacting as my secretary. You’re my wife, it’s your job to watch over yourhusband. If you want to have a salary, then I can give you all mymoney."
Afaint blush appeared on Xia Meilin’s cheeks after she has been kissedby him. She pouted and turned her head away, "I just want to try how itfeels to work as your secretary."
6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 201 I never liked that woman
- Chapter 202 Zhenzhen
- Chapter 203 Hot damn
- Chapter 204 Can we talk in private?
- Chapter 205 Please speak
- Chapter 206 Shes all yours
- Chapter 207 Have you felt it?
- Chapter 208 Turn the car around
- Chapter 209 My win
- Chapter 210 Come and sign this
- Chapter 211 If he wont give in to her then shell make him give in!
- Chapter 212 You dont have to ask
- Chapter 213 Xia Meilin, are you crazy?
- Chapter 214 Thank you
- Chapter 215 E: Please make her happy
- Chapter 216 E: Brother owes me
- Chapter 217 E: Lets go home
- Chapter 218 E: Lets have a date
- Chapter 219 E: Ten years late
- Chapter 220 E: Where are we going?
- Chapter 221 E: Treat us!
- Chapter 222 Love, BerriApplepi
- Chapter 223 Not a Chapter 1
- Chapter 224 Not a Chapter 2
- Chapter 225 Not a Chapter 3
- Chapter 226 Not a Chapter 4
- Chapter 227 - Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband
- Chapter 228 - Beast Under Her Dress: Princess Dont Run!
- Chapter 229 - My Evil Cinderella
- Chapter 230 - Volume Two Prologue: The Lu familys Secret
- Chapter 231 - You traitor!
- Chapter 232 - Ive always been a good girl
- Chapter 233 - Boyfriend
- Chapter 234 - I want another baby
- Chapter 235 - Its just a dream
- Chapter 236 - A promise is a promise
- Chapter 237 - Free Spirit
- Chapter 238 - Nothing is too early
- Chapter 239 - Just be patient and focus
- Chapter 240 - Meeting Lu Weichuns boyfriend